Elemets of Litature Flashcards
Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouncement
Characters and their situations are introduced
The final resolution if the plot
Type of poem Sonnet
A fixed verse for of Italian origin which consists of 14 lines that are five foot iambics rhyming according to a prescribed scheme.
A form of short humorous verse
Often Nonsensical
Abbas 3 feet in all the lines expect the 3rd and 4th with have have 2
A poem with a five line stanza
Similar to a haiku there are two syllables in the first and last lines and 8 in the 3 middle lines.
A popular unrhymed form that is limit d to seventeen syllables arranged in thee lines ;575
Japan’s most popular form
The patterns of the sound and rhyme
Until the invention of the pruning press poetry was oral and often set to music. Rhymed stories are easier to remember and were probably sung.
The verse form is the rhythmic pattern of signal verse
The stanza is the grip of verses
Rhyme and free verse
Repetition adds to the meaning and the pleasure of reading
Slant rhyme
When the final constant sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different
Occurs frequently in Irish, Welsh, and Icelandic verse
Occurs when the initial sounds of a word beginning either with a Constant or vowel, are repeated I. Close succession
Occurs in the middle of the word
Gives a sense of continuity and fluidity to the verse