Children's Litature Flashcards
Children’s literature
Focus on your he themes that pertain to choices, morals, and values. Often used as a vehicle to instill proper values in children.
Themes like good triumphing over evil.
Main characters
Usually are given a difficult choice where thee chose the less moral one and have to deal with the difficult consequences. By the end they acknowledge the mistake
An implied Terrance to a person, event, thing, or part of another text. Based on the assumption of that there is a shared knowledge between the poet and the reader
Balanced writing about conflicting ideas, usually expressed in a sentence form
A focused succinct expression about life from a sagacious viewpoint.
Literally device of addressing an absent or dead person, an abstract idea, or an inanimate object.
The ripple effect surrounding the implication and associations of a given word
The repeated usage of similar constant sounds, most often used in poetry “sally sat shifting seashells by the seashore”
What a word literally means
Fill in or background information about characters meant to clarify and add narrative
Figurative language
Simile- comparing things using like and as
Metaphors - I direct comparison between two things ex chairs have legs
Parallelism- the arrangement of ideas in phrases, sentences and paragraphs that balance one element with another of equal importance and similar wording. Ex reading maketh a full man
Exaggerating for a specific effect
Ex I’m so hungry I could eat a million of these.
Iambic pentameter
An iamb is 3 syllables unaccented and accented per foot of measure
Pentameter means five feet of these iambs per line or ten syllables
Verbal- says one thing but means another
Dramatic when the audience perceives something the character doesn’t know
Situational the discrepancy between the expected results and the actual results
A key, often repeated phrase, name, ore idea in a literary work