Elements Flashcards
Which group does hydrogen belong to?
Group 1, the alkali metals, although it does not behave like one
How many valence electrons do alkali metals have?
Are alkali metals very reactive?
They are highly reactive, most reactive with halogens and explode in water.
Are alkali metals found pure in nature?
No, they are highly reactive and are never found uncombined in nature
How many valence electrons do alkaline earth metals have?
Which alkaline earth metal is radioactive?
Radium is the only alkaline earth metal that is radioactive
Are alkaline earth metals very reactive?
Yes, but only a bit less reactive than alkali metals
What differentiates transition metals most from other elements?
They have variable oxidation states, e.g. manganese can be most commonly found as Mn 2+, Mn 4+ and Mn 7+, but can also be 3+, 5+ and 6+
How many valence electrons do halogens have?
Can halogens be found alone in nature?
Yes, but all halogens (excluding astatine and ununseptium) exist as diatomic molecules
Are halogens very reactive?
Yes, they react most aggressively with alkali metals
How many valence electrons do noble gases have?
8 (or 2 for Helium), which gives them a full valence shell, making them stable
Are lanthanides very reactive?
YES, they react with water, acids and burn in air and high temperatures
What differentiates lanthanides most from other elements?
They fluoresce strongly under UV light
Are actinides very reactive?
YES, they are extremely unstable, and are commonly used for nuclear bombs, they also spontaneously ignite in the air