What are shells?
Shells are regarded as energy levels, the energy increases as the shell number increases.
What is an atomic orbital?
An atomic orbital is a region around the nucleus that can hold up to two electrons of opposite spins.
How many sub-shells are there and how many electrons can fit in one shell?
1 = 2 2 = 8 3 = 18 4 = 32
What are the four different types of orbitals?
s-, p-, d- and f-
What shape is an s-orbital and how many electrons can it fit?
It has a spherical shape and it can fit two electrons.
What shape is a p-orbital and how many electrons can it fit?
A p-orbital has a dumbell shape (hourglass) and it has three seperate p-orbitals at right angles to each other: px, py, pz. Each p-orbital can contain up to 2 electrons and therefore 6 electrons in total. P-orbitals have 3 sub-shells.
How many electrons can fit in a d-orbital?
How many electrons fit into each orbital?
s = 2 p = 6 d = 10 f= 14
What is unusual in the filling of orbitals?
4s goes before 3d because 3d has more energy than 4s.
Why does an orbital have to have opposite spins?
Because electrons are negatively charged and repel one another and so need to have opposite directions (up and down). The opposite spins help to counteract the repulsion between electrons.
How are orbitals occupied in a sub-shell?
They are occupied singly first to avoid any repulsion.
What is the equation for the reaction between aluminium and fluorine?
2AL + 3F2 -> 2AlF3
What is an ionic lattice?
A repeating pattern of oppositely charged ions.
What is meant by the term covalent bonds?
A shared pair of electrons
Do metals conduct electricity when molten or solid?
Both because they have delocalised electrons.