Electronics Flashcards
V =
V = I R
A current of one amp is the charge flow of…
One Coulomb per second
1 A = 1 C s-1
Force between two charges F =
F =( Q1 Q2 ) / ( 4 π εo r2 )
Force exerted by an electric field F =
F = Q E
Electric field created between plates E =
E = V / d
Potential energy U, stored by electric charge U =
U = ( Q1 Q2 ) / ( 4 π εo r)
Magnetic field B =
B = ( μo I ) / (2 π r)
Magnetic field internal Binternal =
Binternal = ( μo N I ) / L
Motion of charged particle in uniform magnetic field… v / r =
v / r = ω = QB / m
Motion in a complex magnetic field… r =
r = mv / eB
Force between two electric currents F =
F = ( μo / 2π ) (L I1 I2 / d)
Torque on a current loop… τ =
τ = mB sinθ
Total resistance in series… R =
R = R1 + R2 + R3 + …
Total resistance in parallel… 1 / R =
1/ R = 1/ R1 + 1/ R2 + 1/ R3
State Thevenin’s theorem…
Any combination of batteries and resistors with two terminals can be replaced by a single voltage source “e” and a single series resistor “r.”
The Thevenin voltage “e” is the…
…Open circut voltage between terminals A and B.
The Thevenin resistance “r” is the…
…Resistance seen between terminals A and B when voltage sources are replaced with short circuits.
Gain for an open loop Gainopen-loop =
Gain = Vout / Vin = Ao
Gain for a closed loop negative feedback…. Gainclosed-negative =
Gain = Vout / Vin = Ao / (1 + AoB)
(1 - AoB) for positive feedback
Formula for an inverting Op-Amp… Vout/ Vin =
Vout/ Vin = - Rf / Rin
Formula for Summing Amplifier… Vout / Rf =
- ( V1 / R1 + V2 / R2)
The energy between two point charges U =
U = ( Q1Q2 )/ 4πεor
Describe the relation between electric potential and potential energy.
Electric potential is the potential energy per unit charge.
Define what is meant by power in an electrical circuit?
P[watts] = V I
Relationship between resistance R and resistivity ρ of a wire… R =
R = ρL / A
State Kirchhoff’s junction rule…
The algerbraic sum of the currents into any junction is zero
Σ I = 0
State Kirchhoff’s loop rule…
The algebraic sum of the potential differences in any loop, including those associated with emfs and those of resisitve elements, must equal zero.
Σ V = 0 (valid for any closed loop)
State the three fundamental variables which characterise an amplifier
Gain, Input impedance and Output impedance
What is the relationship between Power, Resistance and Current?
P = I2 R
State the vector form of Coulomb’s Law…
F = (( Q1 Q2 ) / 4πεor2) r^
Electric field between two plates E =
E = ΔV /d
Force on charge in electric field F =
F = q E