Electronics Flashcards
AND gate truth statement
Any low gives a low
OR gate truth statement
Any high gives a high
NAND gate truth statement
Any low gives a high
NOR gate truth statement
Any high gives a low
NOT (inverter) gate truth statement
Output is opposite input
XOR gate truth statement
A or B, not both
- -
A•B + A•B=Y
The largest digit (figure) in a number system is always one (more/less) ________ than the base of that number system
A straight binary number is always the same as a BCD number. (True/false)
What is the main outstanding feature of using ‘gray code’ for use with transducers?
Changes by one bit per position
What is ASCII used for?
Coding computer inputs into binary
De-coding it back so we can understand
When a flip-flop is preset it stores a binary __ (1 or 0)
To set or clear a flip-flop, must the signlas applied to the PR and CLR inputs be permanent?
Can a single flip-flop store more than one binary bit of data to Q?
Which is considered the primary output of a flip-flop;
Q or Q?
When 1 is present at the Q output of a flip-flop, it is said to be in the _____ (set/reset) condition.
Another term used for a flip-flop being in the clear condition is that it is ______ (set/reset).
By applying a low to the PR input the J-K flip-flop will be _____ (set/reset).
By applying a low to the CLR input the J-K flip flop will be _____ (set/reset)
When J and K inputs are both 1, and an appropriate clock pulse occurs, what happens to the flip-flop’s Q input?
It changes
What gate is this?
AND gate
What gate is this?
OR gate
What gate is this?
NAND gate
What gate is this?
NOR gate
What gate is this?
NOR gate
What gate is this?
NOT (inverter) gate
What gate is this?
XOR gate
What advantage does a DIP encased in ceramic have over one encased in plastic?
Heat regulation
Which is known for its faster switching speeds, TTL or CMOS?
Which logic family is known to be very sensitive to static electricity, TTL or CMOS?
A floating input on TTL chips will act as if they are tied ________ (high/low)
For an AND gate should a floating (unused) input be tied high or low?
Should a floating (unused) input for an OR gate be tied high or low?
How will a logic probe indicate the presence of a 1 when being used to troubleshoot digital circuits?
Red light (1)
Green light (0)
What does IC stand for?
Integrated chip
What does DIP stand for?
Dual Inline Package
A logic probe receives its supply from an internal battery. (True/false)
A disadvantage with IC chips compared to discrete components is the large size. (True/false)
An IC is less reliable than a discrete circuit. (True/false)
Discrete circuits are more expensive than IC’s. (true/false)
IC’s can contain over a million transistors in less than one square inch. (True/false)
When comparing an open-loop op-amp to a closed-loop op-amp, which has the higher gain?
Open loop
How is the gain of an op-amp controlled?
Closed loop
What is the expected input impedance of the ideal op-amp?
You want the input voltage to be amplified. If there were a low impedance path through the inputs there would be a volt drop and an incorrect input
What is the expected output impedance of the ideal op-amp?
Once the voltage has been amplified you want that voltage to be seen across the load
List two practical applications where you would find op-amps being used in real world equipment.
What does OP-AMP stand for?
Operational amplifier
Is the following op-amp inverted or non inverted?
What would be the equation to find gain?
Non inverted
50Kohm/1Kohm +1
Is the following op-amp inverted or non inverted?
What would be the equation to find gain?
An operational amplifier has two inputs. What are they called?
Non inverting
What is the difference between open-loop and closed-loop operation of an op-amp?
Open loop - no feedback, high gain, unstable
Closed loop - feedback, low gain, stable
Not a question, just study this bitch
List a reason for using negative feedback when operating an op-amp.
Controls the gain without distortion
What is the expected input impedance of an ideal op-amp?
What is the expected output impedance of an ideal op-amp?
What type of power supply is used for an op-amp?
DC dual voltage with a center reference
What is the purpose of input S if R =0?
To set Q
What is the purpose of input R if S =0?
To reset Q
Q and Qnot are said to be ______.
Identify the clock signal that will trigger the F.F. (Leading or trailing edge)
Trailing edge
Identify the clock signal that will trigger the F.F. (Leading or trailing edge)
Leading edge
In order to set a JK F.F. to toggle mode:
What is the purpose of the inputs PR and CLR on a JK F.F.?
PR - To preset Q (Q=1)
CLR - To clear Q (Q=0)
IC’s made of bipolar transistors are referred to as _____.
IC’s made of field effect transistors are referred to as ________.
Which standard IC technology consumes more power but is faster? (TTL/CMOS)
Which IC (TTL/CMOS) could be damaged by a floating input?
Should a logic probe be on pulse or memory when troubleshooting a circuit for high/low operation?
Describe the propagation delay
The time it takes for an output to change in response to an input