Electrics Flashcards
What type of AC and DC is used on the aircraft?
115V AC and 28V DC
What provides AC and what procides DC?
AC= Engine driven VFGs (Variable frequency generators), APU, RAT, GROUND
DC= TRU, batteries
How are VFGs cooled?
Using lubrication oil from oil/air cooler on the engine

What is GCU and what is its function
Generator Control Unit (GCU)
The Generator Control Unit (GCU) does the functions that follow:
* Regulates VFG voltage,
* Electrically connects or disconnects the VFG to the main AC
* Protects the electrical circuits from generator faults, and
* Supplies status information to the Bus Power Control Units
Primary power for the GCU is the associated PMG, backed up by
aircraft DC power.
Explain the function of Overvoltage Protection Unit OPU
The Overvoltage Protection Unit (OPU) is an additional
independent backup to the GCU overvoltage protection. The OPU
electrically disconnects the VFG if it produces excessive voltage
and the GCU has not acted. The PMG powers the OPU.
How to engage the Ground Power Ground Service mode?
By pressing on the Ground service panel press SERV button from green AVAIL to white IN USE
What type of electrical power is provided by the RAT, and when does it deploy automatically?
Supplies AC power and deploys automatically when all AC power is lost
What is the minimum speed IAS for RAT to start working?
148 kts
To where does the RAT supply power?
- What is FBWPCs?
Fly by whire power converters. They supply DC power to the EFCS (electronic flight control system) and the engine FADECs. The two Permanent Magnet Alternator/Generators (PMAGs), one on each engine accessory gearbox, supply dedicated AC power to two FBWPCs and the Electronic Engine Control (EEC) of each FADEC.
What do the BATTERIES supply
They supply power for the components that follow:
* BATT DIR busses at all times,
* DC EMER bus at all times,
* DC ESS busses when BATT selector is in AUTO and TRUs are not
functioning, and
* Electric brakes when all other DC sources are not available
When is the BATT DISCHARGING caution message displayed?
If only batteries supply the power for more than 5 minutes.
At what minimum speed RAT still can supply hydraulic power?
What happens when with help of RAT one VFG is recovered?
If a single VFG is recovered while the RAT is deployed, the VFG
supplies the entire electrical system except for the AC ESS and DC
ESS 3 busses. The RAT continues to supply these two busses.
The RAT DPLY advisory message replaces the EMER PWR ONLY
warning message on the EICAS page (refer to
How do the TRUs work?
Three Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs) are the primary source of DC
power, and are each rated at 350 amperes. The TRUs receive 115 VAC
power from the AC busses, convert it to 28 VDC, and distribute it to the
DC busses.