Electricity (topic 2) Flashcards
Alternating current
current flow consisting of charges that continually change direction
device connected in series with a component to measure the current that flows through it
Ampere (Amp)
unit of current
Circuit breaker
safety device that cuts off the power supply if a source of current passes through it
material that allows electrical charge to flow easily
unit of charge
Currents at a junction
sum of currents entering a junction must always equal the sum of the currents leaving it
component that only allows current to flow through in the forward direction
Direct current
consisting of charges flowing in a single direction
removal of excess charge by providing a low resistance path for electrons to flow through
Earth wire
green and yellow striped safety wire connected to metal casings
Electric current
rate of flow of electrical charge
Energy transfers in circuits
electrical energy is transferred to thermal energy when current does work against a resistance
Filament lamp
light emitting component consisting of an enclosed filament
safety device consisting of a thin metal filament that melts and cuts off the power supply if there’s a surge in current