explain charging by friction
when rod is rubbed using the cloth the cloth gains negative charge , it is the force of friction that gives the charge to the rod cloth gains positive charge, charges that appear when two different materials are rubbed depends on the material
why do electrons move from rod to the cloth
the electrons are on outside of the atoms , so they are easily transfered from one material to another. some hold electrons weakly some hold strongly
why neutral objects are attracted to charged objectsv
paper contains electrons if the balloon has positive charge it attracts the electrons in the paper so the paper feels a force towards the ball8oon
explain current in a series circuit
current is same all around the circuit .it flows back to the negative end of the cell. it does not gets used up as it goes thorugh the lamps . compononets are connected end to end , current flows one after another
why metals conduct electricity
they contain a lot electrons which can inside the metal these electrons are not tightly attached to each other, electrons have an electric charge , so charge is moving though the metal
how a cell makes current flow
the positive end attracts electrons and negative end repels them. they are pushed from negative end towards the positive end,electrons need to be able to travel all way round .that is why current is ame all way round they dont get used up
lighting a lamp
cell is store of chemical energy current transfers energy from the cell to the lamp. the lamp get s hot and shines
current in a parallel circuit
current flows from the positive to the negative end when reaches point a it divides . half to one lamp lamp half to another , when to currents reach point b they join together then flow back to the cell