Electricity Flashcards
what is current
current is the rate of flow of charge. It is measured in Amps (A)
What is voltage (potential difference)
Voltage is the driving force that pushes the charge around.
What is resistance
Resistance is anything in the circuit which slows the flow down. Measured in Ohms
What is the operation of a Variable resistor
Variable resistors allow you to adjust the value of voltage by changing the current flowing into a component with resistance.
What is the operation of a diode
It acts as a one way switch that allows current to flow in one direction but restricts it from flowing the other with high resistance.
what happens when electrons bump into atoms
it can cause heat due to resistance. it can cause wires to get hotter
how to calculate current
Current = Charge
how to calculate voltage
Voltage = Energy (work done)
How to calculate resistance
Resistance = Voltage
How to measure current in a circuit
Ohms law
Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperature remain constant.
What might effect resistance
- Current,
- length of wire: more wire=more resistance
- material of wire, some are better conductors
- temp, higher temp = lower resistance
- thickness, thinner wires conduct easier
- parallel or series, parrallel= lower resistance and series= sum of all resistors
Resistance in a filament lamp
- current increases so temp of lamp increases
- the lamp is metal, so the raised temp causes an increased resistance
- resistance opposes the current, causing the current to increase at a slower rate
Metal resistor IV graph
Has a constant gradient, so a constant resistance. This is because the current is directly proportional to potential difference
Bulb IV graph
has decreasing gradient, so an increasing resistance. This is because the wire gets hot.
Diode IV graph
has a low gradient (high resistance) until the threshold current.
What is a LDR
a resistor that is dependent on the intensity of light. If there is an increase of light, there is a decrease of resistance. Used often for automatic night lights, burgled alarms, outdoor lighting.
what is a thermistor
Temperature dependent resistor. If temp is increased resistance decreases. They’re used for car engines, thermostats and temp detectors
Current in a series circuit
Current is the same in any part of the circuit, this is because a series circuit is one loop; all electrons in that loop form one current
voltage in a series circuit
the potential difference supplied is equal to the total of the potential differences across all other components
Resistance in a series circuit
electrons have to pass through all resistors, so total resistance is sum of resistors.
Rtotal= R (1) + R(2) + R(3) +…
Current in a Parallel Circuit
The overall current is shared between the loops
Voltage in a Parallel circuit
the voltage is the same for each loop
Resistance in a Parallel circuit
electrons have a choice of path so overall resistance = lower because the effective resistance is adding the reciprocals of the individual resistors