Electrical Systems Final Flashcards
What are the two different types of Magnets? and what are their functions?
- Permanant Magnets (Always Magnetic)
- Electromagnets (can be switched on and off, therefore it is stronger)
What are some examples of objects that use electromagnetics
- Electric Motor
- Speaker
- Relay
How do you use the Right-Hand Rule?
By taking hold of the wire and positioning your thumb in the direction of the current.
- The direction your fingers are pointing, is the same direction of the magnetic field lines
Why was a coil created?
Since the magnetic field around a single wire is very weak, they created a coil so that it will provide the required amount of energy for stronger magnetic fields.
What Is a permanent magnet Motor? what are examples of objects that use this?
A permanent magnet motor uses Permanant magnets. Often used in
- Starter Motors
- Wheelchair Motors
- Cordless Drills
What will happen is you measure a battery in series?
It will give you a voltage once you add them up, however the capacity of the pair remains the same as the capacity as one battery.
What happens if you measure a battery in parallel?
Capacities are added together but voltage stays the same as the voltage of one battery.
What is the difference between source voltage and terminal voltage?
The difference between the two is that source voltage is the difference between the positive and negative terminal of the battery free of load, while Terminal voltage is the difference Under load.
What are the main components in the starter motor, and what are their functions?
- Starter Solenoid - Switches on the electric motor and simintanuolisly engages the starter driver mechanism
- Starter drive shift lever - moves the the pinion gear over the shaft of the electric motor so that it engages with the flywheel causing the engine to crank but is retracted so it doesn’t continue to drive the motor
- Electric motor - Drives the flywheel of the internal combustion engine by means of the pinion gear.
How would you go in inspecting the flow diagram if you find a problem with the starting system?
The Flow Diagram consists of four steps
- Checking the Battery (if the battery has little too capacity, then the starter motor will not work)
- Measure the main Current (With this measurement you can determine in which circuit the fault exist)
- Current flowing in main circuit (The solenoid is switched on, and the problem is most likely in the main circuit)
- Zero Main current flowing (The solenoid is not switched on. There is most likely a problem in the control circuit)
What are the main components of the alternator?
Housing (Attaches the alternator to the block. It protects the alternator components
Pulley (The engine drives the alternator via pulley)
Rotor (Creates a magnetic field to generate a voltage)
Stator (Comprised of three coils in which AC voltage is generated)
Rectifier (Converts alternating current to direct current
Voltage Regulator (Ensures a constant controlled alternator voltage)
Fan (Cools the alternator)
What are the components of the charging system?
Engine (Drives the alternator so it can supply electrical energy to all consumers)
Alternator (Supplies electrical current to all consumers, the amount of energy it supplies depends on what is being demanded by electrical consumers).
Battery (Uses the alternator to generate a current and voltage for the different components of the car)
Ignition Key (Starts the system)
Charging Current Warning light (Will illuminate if there is a problem with the charging system)
What is a ETL model?
Any system in which energy can be converted can be represented schematically. These charts make things much clearer and easier to visualize which forms of energy transfer is taking place
- ETL stands for (Energy, Transfer, Load)
What is Induction?
The physical principle of when a conductor undergoes a change in its magnetic field, a voltage is generated or induced in the conductor
What are the different types of headlights?
- Reflector Headlights (Paraboloid, Functional Faceted headlights)
- Projector Headlights (Ellipsoid, Super ellipsoid Headlights)
What are some examples of Lighting systems and What are they used for?
- Low Beam
- Daytime Running lights
- High Beam
- Contour Lighting
- Parking Light
Used to be seen by others on the road and tells people what action you are doing
What are some examples of the Signaling systems and what are they used for?
- Indicators
- Hazard warning lights
- Brake Lights
- High beam signal
- Reverse Lighting
Used when performing an action on the road to let others know what you are doing
True or False; A high beam light is both a Signaling and Lighting system