Electrical, Plumbing, Irrigation, Drainage And Other Accesories Flashcards
A fundamental quantity in electricity (+ or -)
The flow of electrons through a material.
Current electricity
The buildup of charges on an object.
Static electricity
The flow of electrons
The basic unit of matter that contains a positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons.
Negatively charged particles in an atom.
Neutrally charged particles of an atom.
Positively charged particles of an atom.
The path an electrons takes through an atom or molecule.
A device that converts mechanical energy into electricity.
Electrical generator
A device that changes the voltage of electricity so that it can be transferred over long distances.
A material through which a charge moves easily
A material that is usually insulating, but becomes conductive through the addition of an impurity.
A material that has no electrical resistance; occurs near absolute zero.
A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.
A solid conductor through which a current enters or exits a medium.
A electrode where free electrons are produced.
One or more cells connected in series.
An atom that has acquired an electrical charge.
An electrode where reduction occurs.
A material that dissolves in water, producing a solution that conducts electricity.
Any path that electrons can flow through.
A circuit with a break in its path.
Open circuit
A circuit with a complete path, which allows for charges to move.
Closed circuit
The electrode held by the skin care specialist during a treatment
Active electrode
Is a rapid oscillating cycle that alternates back and forth, allowing electrons to flow first in one direction and then in the other.
Alternating current
A unit of electric strenth
Indicates the number of electrons flowing through a particular line.
Amp rating
Allows an alkaline solution to enter the skin when assisted by galvanic current and the negative pole of an electrode.
A positively changed electrode
Allows an acidic solution to enter the skin when assisted by galvanic current and the positive pole of an electrode.
A negatively changed electrode
Breaks the flow of current when an overload occurs
Circuit breaker
For electricity to power any electric appliance, there needs to be a closed path, known as a - through which the electricity travels
The existence of a certain condition that suggests it is inadvisable to perform a procedure.
Changes DC to AC
Is a constant current in which electrons move at an even rate and flow in only one direction
Direct current
The flow of electricity along a conductor. Also known as modality.
Electric current
A form of energy that produces light, heat, magnetic and chemical changes.
When heat energy is transferred by radiation, these electrons move in wave-like patterns. These waves of electrons are called
Electromagnetic Radiation
The range of all the wavelengths that can be produced by radiant energy is called the
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Tiny, negatively charged particals
Is an economical and long-lasting light source. Can create cool tones
Fluorescent light
A safety device that prevents electrical wires from overheating
Indicates the number of cycles per second that a generator alternates current
Hertz Rating
An alternating current that can be adjusted to different voltages to produce heat. Also referred to as Tesla current
High frequency
Kind of light provided by an ordinary light bulb. Normally produces warm tones.
Incandescent light
Invisible rays slightly longer that the wavelengths that produce the visible light rays seen as the color red. Can penetrate all the layers of the skin and affect muscle, bone, nerves and joints.
Infrared rays
A material that does not allow the flow of electric current
A three sided glass object
Changes AC to DC
Can occur anytime a conductor comes in contact with a wire carrying current to a load
Short circuit
Referred to as combination light. This visible light can be broken into its individual wavelengths by a prism
White light
The measurement of a wave’s length
A measure of electrical energy being used
A unit of electric pressure
Invisible rays slightly shorter than wavelengths that produce the visible light rays seen as the color violet.
Ultraviolet rays
Removal of salt from the ocean water. Sometimes too salty for irrigation so its used in sewage system.
Using small pipes that slowly drips water to conserving
Drip irrigation
Water pumped from under ground aquifers
Fossil water
Operate in shadow or narrow waterways
Land formed from fine soils deposited by a river
Alluvial plain
A long time with little or no rain
Slow moving 1,250 miles long and has many curves
Euphrates river
Describes the land found there on the map the fertile cresent waa apart of Iraq Iran Turkey Syria Lebanon Jordan and Israel
Fertile cresent
It is the use of connected dikes, ditches, dams and canals to move water to dry areas.
A high flat area of land
A rich mixture of bits of rock and soil, remained
Is the resource for both tigris and Euphrates
Taurus mountain
Moves rapidly 1,720 miles and has mant tributaries
Tigris river
Branches of rivers
Relating to a city or cities
The towered over the fertile cresent
Zagros mountain