Electrical- DC and Transient Circuits Flashcards
Linear component
The current through it is directly proportional to the potential difference across it
Passive component
Component can only dissipate or store energy, they cannot generate energy themselves
Ideal component
The circuit element can be described by a simple equation which usually has a single variable. They are first order approximations to real-life components.
Are resistors, capacitors and inductors linear and/or passive and/or ideal?
They are all linear and passive
Define current relative to charge
i(t)=dq(t)/dt Where q(t) is net flow of charge through a notional cross-section
What is the difference between upper and lower case symbols?
Upper case refer to constant values (don’t change with time) whereas lower case refer to time-varying quantities
What is the sense of voltage or current through a component on a circuit diagram?
The direction of the current’s/voltage’s arrow
Which way do current and potential difference travel through passive components?
In opposite directions
What is the formula for potential difference between two plates of a capacitor in terms of charge?
Where C is capacitance
Which direction are voltage and current drawn for ideal voltage sources?
In the same direction. Although only the voltage across it is specified and the current through it can be in either direction.
Describe a current source
A component that defines the current through it but not the voltage which can be in either direction
Which direction does the arrow of voltage point?
Towards the higher potential
Describe the layout of a current divider
A current source connected to two resistors which are in parallel with each other. It shares the current between the 2 resistors
How does superposition work in circuit analysis?
Used for analysing linear systems. Consider each source in turn and eliminate the other sources by replacing a voltage source with a piece of wire (V=0) and a current source with a gap (I=0). Solve the circuits formed to find the quantities of interest. Sum the answers of the desired quantities for each source considered.
How does mesh (loop) analysis work?
Draw clockwise circulating currents in each loop of the circuit so all branches have at least one current. The currents through each component are the some of the circulating currents that pass through them. Apply Kirchoff’s voltage law to every loop starting with the top right node and working anti-clockwise. Rewrite the equations with unknown voltages in terms of current and resistance using Ohm’s law. If current source in loop, label its unknown voltage. Current it produces is the sum of circulating currents passing through it. Now have enough equations.
How does nodal analysis work?
Choose a node to be 0 (draw as earthed). Label the unknown nodal voltages on each remaining node. Apply Kirchoff’s current law on each node using unknown currents coming out of each node. Consider for each node, the path to each of its adjacent nodes. Use Ohm’s law where the voltage is the difference between the nodal voltages. Substitute the branch equations into the node equations eliminating current. Solve for nodal voltages. If voltage source, use difference in voltages between its two nodes=voltage it produces.
What is Thevenin’s theory?
That any one-port network connected to two terminals can be redrawn as a voltage source in series with a resistor connected to the same two terminals
When does Thevenin’s theory apply?
Where there is only one external connection (earthed is an external connection). When the one-port network is made of resistors and sources only.
How to find Thevenin equivalent circuit
The voltage of the voltage source will be the potential difference between the two terminals A and B. Keep A and B not connected to form an open circuit and use nodal analysis to find the potential difference between A and B. Redraw the circuit connecting A and B to form a short circuit and use mesh analysis to find the current in the wire connecting them. The voltage found before over this current will be the resistance of the resistor in the thevenin circuit.
What is Norton’s theory?
Any one-port network connected to two terminals can be redrawn as a current source in parallel to a resistor connected to the same two terminals.
How to find the Norton equivalent circuit
Using same methods as for Thevenin find the open circuit voltage using nodal analysis and find the short circuit current using mesh analysis. The current produced by the current source will be the short circuit current. The resistance of the resistor will be the open circuit voltage over the short circuit current.
How to convert between Thevenin and Norton circuits
Resistance on resistor is the same. Voltage produced by voltage source is equal to the resistance of resistor times current produced by the current source.
For DC, what are the relations for current and voltage in resistors, capacitors and inductors?
Resistors: V=IR
Capacitors: V is unknown, I is 0 (open circuit)
Inductors: V=0 (short circuit), I is unknown
For transient circuits, what are the relations for current and voltage in resistors, capacitors and inductors?
Resistors: v=iR
Capacitors: v=(1/C)Sidt + V0, i=Cdv/dt
Inductors: v=Ldi/dt, i=(1/L)Svdt + I0
Where S means integral
For AC circuits, what are the relations for current and voltage in resistors, capacitors and inductors?
Resistors: V=IR
Capacitors: V=-jI/ωC, I=ωCVj
Inductors: V=ωLIj, I=-jV/ωL
What is a transient state of a circuit?
A momentary event preceding the steady-state during a sudden change or start-up of a circuit. Certain current and voltage values can change over time.
General formula for vout in a transient circuit
Where τ is time constant of circuit (either RC or L/R)
Find Vfinal and Vinitial by considering the current and voltage values in the capacitors and inductors
What values are 0 for inductors and capacitors in transient circuits?
Capacitors: start at 0V, end at 0A
Inductors: start at 0A, end at 0V
Formula for voltage across capacitor in transient circuits
Formula for voltage across resistor in series with inductor in transient circuits?
Derive formula for vout across a capacitor in series with a voltage source and a resistor
By the voltage law: vin=vR+vout. Replace vR and vout with iR and (1/C)Sidt. Differentiate both sides with respect to time and times through by C. For constant vin, the Cd/dt(vin)=0. Sub for 0. Rearrange to make dt subject, then integrate both sides to get -RClnAi=t. Rearrange to make i subject so i=(1/A)e^(-t/RC). Back to voltage law equation. vin is constant Vin, replace i in iR, rearrange to make vout subject (-R/A=B). If vout=0 when t=0 find that B=Vin. Sub in and factorise.
Deriving the formula for vout across a resistor in series with a voltage source and inductor Part 1
Voltage law: vin=Ldi/dt + iR.
Rearrange to make i+(L/R)di/dt=vin/R. Problem that vin won’t go.
Need a function dp/dt so p=(L/R)dp/dt because if times through by dp/dt
So idp/dt+pdi/dt=(vin/R)dp/dt, notice d/dt(ip)=(vin/R)dp/dt (prod rule)
From before: dp/dt=(R/L)p. Rearrange and integrate to get p=e^(Rt/L)
Deriving the formula for vout across a resistor in series with a voltage source and inductor Part 2
p=e^(Rt/L). Now have integrating factor dp/dt=(R/L)e^(Rt/L).
Sub in for dp/dt into first equation multiplied through by it.
L/RxR/L cancel so get (R/L)e^(Rt/L)i+(e^(Rt/L))di/dt=(vin/L)e^(Rt/L)
Notice d/dt(ie^(Rt/L))=(vin/L)e^(Rt/L). Say vin is constant Vin.
Integrate to get ie^(Rt/L)=(Vin/R)e^(Rt/L)+k (L cancel)
Divide by e^(Rt/L) to make i subject. Recall vout=IR.
Sub in for i to get vout=Vin+k e^(-Rt/L). If vout=0 for t=0 find kR=-Vin
Final expression: vout=Vin(1-e^(-Rt/L))
How do voltages and current split when capacitors are in series or parallel with each other?
Multiple capacitors in series: voltages split according to 1/C so smallest C means highest voltage across that capacitor
Multiple capacitors in parallel: currents split according to C so largest C gets highest current
How do voltages and current split when inductors are in series or parallel with each other?
Multiple inductors in series: voltages split according to L so largest L gets biggest voltage
Multiple inductors in parallel: currents split according to 1/L so smallest L gets biggest current
Time constant for resistor capacitor/inductor circuits
Capacitor: RC
Inductor: L/R
How to identify time constant for a circuit with inductor(s) or capacitor(s) in
All 1st order circuits can be simplified by superposition to either an inductor or capacitor in series with a resistor. Do this by doing superposition technique with current and voltage sources. Can simplify by combining components (eg R in series).