Electrical Flashcards
What power sources can cross tie on the ground?
The engine generators.
What is the electrical source priority?
On side engine generator
APU generator
External power unit
Off side generator cross tie
What does the reset position of the generator control switch do?
Closes the generator control relay.
When only the battery switch is on what buses are powered?
DC Transfer Bus
Battery Direct Bus
Battery Bus
What are the two purposes of the ground service bus?
To provide power to those circuits necessary for ground service, and to provide an alternate means of battery charging. (B2 8-120)
Is there a way to monitor external power?
No AC load meter exists for external power.
At what RPM should you disconnect a CSD?
A higher speed to allow for a smoother disconnect.
Can a CSD be reconnected?
Yes, but only on the ground by a mechanic.
What is the electrical power source for the pneumatic pressure gauge?
Emergency AC bus
What is the electrical power source for the augmentation valve?
Respective DC bus
What is the power source for the start valve solenoid?
The DC Transfer bus
How do you verify an AC EMER BUS OFF light?
By looking for a “GYRO” flag in the captains ADI
What normally powers the DC Transfer bus?
The Left AC Bus through the Left DC Bus
How would you identify a differential fault in the “feeder” zone?
Move Generator switch to reset and off and observe no volts and frequencies.
What is needed for battery charging to occur?
Ground Service AC bus powered, battery switch on, emergency switch off.
How would you verify the DC TRANSFER BUS OFF light?
By doing a fire warning test.