Elderly Confusion Flashcards
Mr. Jones’s daughter states her dad seem confused? What are the DDX?
Delirium- acute, infx, drugs
Dementia- gradual
Depression- lack of interest, sad
What is significant about elderly and schizophrenia?
NEW DX is RARE in older age
Delirium may seem like shchizo but it is NOT.
PROBLEM is WEST give antipsychotic to race, poor, cultures
BUT, many HCP give antipsychotics to not deal w/ it.
AVOID antipsychotics prn
This confusion differential is caused w/in many disease: Loss of recent memory insidious onset-progressive decline impaired judgement Sleep and agression Onset 40-90y
Dementia Alzheimer -70% Muli-infarct Lewy Body HIV Parkinson B12 deficiency Thyroid and Liver
What are the diagnoistic test for Alzheimers?
NONE Clinically DX based on sx MSE Recognizing decline Normal LOC- no syncope
TEST to R/o
Nomral EEG, lumbar puncture, histology
What is physicologically happening in the brain prior to clinical manifestations with Alzheimers?
- amyloid plaques
- neufibrillary tangles
- Brain cell loss
THEN - memory loss
- fx decline
Combo of later = Dementia
Who are at risk for Alzheimer’s?
Genetic- down syndrome
Head trauma, HTN, DM, smoke, Depression
FH doubles risk
85y 50% risk
Mr. Jones has diffuclty with finding keys, forgets to bathe, speaking slower, balance issues. What stage is AD?
Early gradual memory loss N. LOC Impaired ADLs Subtle Language errors DFx spatial perception
Define late stages of AD?
Aphasia- no talking
Apraxia- no purposeful action
Agnosia- not recognizing
L and R confusion
**Specific to AD- word finding issues, apathy, delusion, disorientation
Mr. Cog has tremor with resisted elbow flx, shuffled gait, falls often, intermittent cognitive fx, flat affect, dominant L arm tremor. He also states he saw his late wife in the kitchen. ? How would you DX this presentation?
PET scan + amyloid plaques
DX- Lew Body dementia
Which dementia affects personality changes that involve impulsive and hypersexual thoughts/actions?
Post TIA what can manifest cognitively?
VASCULAR DEMENTIA Stuttering stepwise deterioration 2/2 to TIA, CVA. Don't miss bc reversible N- LOC CT MRI help DX
This cognitive test strength include: standard, valid, quick, useful scoring
The limits include: no executive function, no capacity test, education and culturally not valid
Mini Mental State Exam
This cognitive test name, memory, attn, langue, abstract, delayed recall, and orientation
Montreal Cognitive Assess