Elbow, Wrist , Hand Flashcards
What injuries may occur from a Fall on Outretched Hand?
- Distal Radial Fracture
- Scaphoid Fracture
- Radial Head Fracture
- AC Separation
- Glenoid Labral Tear
- Perilunate Dislocation
What is Little League Elbow?
- Can refer to several overuse injuries
- Often is Osteochondritis Dissecans of the radial head and/or capitellum or Osteochondrosis of the capitellum (panners syndrome)
- May be from compressive forces through the lateral elbow during throwing
How is Little League Elbow treated?
Relative Rest
- No throwing for up to 1 year
What Functional tests help confirm little league elbow?
Bending and Flexing of the Elbow with maintenance of Valgus Stress should elicit pain
Which Structure is most commonly affected in Lateral Epicondylitis?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
- Occasionally the Extensor Digitorum
What is the Mills Maneuver?
Used in treating Lateral Epicondylitis
- Forceful and quick Extension of the forearm with wrist flexed and pronated
What is Radial Tunnel Syndrome?
- Entrapment of Radial nerve in the radial tunnel
- tunnel is approx 2 inches long from the capitellum of the humerus to the supinator
- Pain can mimic Lateral Epicondylitis, but often tennis elbow strap will make pain worse due to compressive forces
What is NurseMaids Elbow and how is it treated?
Subluxation of the radial head, usually in children after traction injury
Reduced with Supination
How would you differentiate Ulnar Collateral Injuries and Medial Epicondylitis?
If Valgus stress applied with elbow slightly flexed, wrist flexed and forearm pronated, should be painless if Medial Epicondylitis
If UCL, would still reproduce Sx
At what sites can the Median Nerve be compressed in the elbow and forearm?
Ligament of Struthers
- Pronator Teres
In terms of the Elbow, what does the acronym CRITOE stand for?
C - Capitellum - 1 year
R - Radial Head- 3 years
I- Internal (Medial) Epicondyle - 5 years
T- Trochlea - 7 years
O - Olecranon - 9 years
E- External (Lateral) Epicondyle- 11 years
What is a GreenStick Fracture?
Occurs only in children
- Part of the bone is broken but not all the way through
What is a Metaphyseal Fracture?
Fracture of the Metaphysis (upper or lower part of the bone shaft)
Does Not include the growth plate
What is a Colles Fracture?
Fractur of the distal radius and a dorsally angulated distal fragment
usually from FOOSH
What is a Galeazzi Fracture?
Combines a fracture of the radius, with displaced pieces of bone, and a dislocation of the ulna at the wrist
What is a Monteggia Fracture?
- Involves both forearm bones
- At the Proximal Forearm, the Ulna is Fractured and the Radius is Dislocated
- Sometimes presents as a night stick fracture but can be caused by FOOSH as well
What are common sites of compression of the Ulnar Nerve at the elbow?
Ligament of Struthers
Arcade of Struthers
Cubital Tunnel (most common)
What is an elbow flexion test?
- Passive Flexion of the elbow for approx 60 seconds
- Reproduces Sx of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- Ligamentous roof of cubital tunnel becomes taut in flexion and compresses ulnar nerve
What is Radial Tunnel Syndrome?
- Compression Neuropathy to the PIN Nerve at the Supinator or Arcade of Frohse
- Similar Presentation to Lateral Epicondylitis but approx 2-4 cm more distal
- Differs from PIN, Radial Tunnel Syndrome includes pain only
What are the common special tests used to diagnose Radial Tunnel Syndrome?
Long Finger Extension Test
- Resisted Supination
What is Posterior Interosseous Nerve Compression Syndrome?
- Compressive Neuropathy of the PIN at the Supinator or Arcade of Frohse
- Differs from Radial Tunnel Syndrome, Motor Weakness only, no sensory deficits but can have pain
What are common findings of PIN Syndrome on physical exam?
- Wrist Extensor Weakness
- Weakness of Finger MCP Extension
- Radial Drift
What is Dequervains Syndrome?
- Stenosing Tenosynovitis of the 1st Dorsal compartment of the wrist
- Includes Abductor Pollicis Longus and Extensor Pollicis Brevis
- (+) Finkelsteins Test
What is Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome?
- Compressive Neuropathy of AIN at the Pronator Teres Most often
- Motor Loss Only, No Pain or sensory deficits
- Unable to make OK sign
What is Parsonage Turner Syndrome?
- Bilateral Anterior Interosseous Signs
- Caused by Viral Brachial Neuritis
- Be suspicious if motor loss is preceded by intense shoulder pain and viral prodrome
What is Pronator Syndrome?
- Compressive Neuropathy of Median Nerve at elbow
- Most commonly at Ligament of Struthers or Pronator Teres
- Differentiated from Carpal Tunnel d/t pain in volar forearm and Sensory Disturbances of palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve (palm of hand)
What is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?
- Compressive Neuropathy of the Ulnar Nerve most often at cubital tunnel and arcade of struthers
- Sensory and Motor loss in ular nerve pattern distal to elbow
What are common Signs and Special Tests for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?
- (+) Froments Sign
- Weakened Grasp and Grip
- (+) Tinels at cubital tunnel
What is Saturday Night Palsy?
- Compressive Neuropathy of the Radial Nerve at the proximal Humerus
- Often presents with Triceps and Wrist Extensor Weakness
What is a Bouttoniere Deformity?
- Flexion of PIP
- Extension of DIP
- Caused by Central Slip Injury
What is a Swan Neck Deformity?
- Hyperextension of PIP
- Flexion of DIP
- Caused by Volar Plate Laxity/Injury
What is Mallet Finger?
- A finger deformity caused by disruption of the terminal extensor tendon distal to DIP joint
- Lack of active DIP extension
- Painful and swollen DIP joint following impaction injury to finger
What is Jersey Finger?
- Avulsion injury of FDP from insertion at base of distal phalanx
- *FDP muscle belly in maximal contraction during forceful DIP extension
- No active flexion of DIP, Slight extension compared to other fingers
In general, what position should the MCP Joint be splinted in?
Flexion, not extension
- Collateral ligaments more taut in flexion and therefore easier to get ROM back after splinting
What is Trigger Finger?
- Locking or attempt to lock of a finger in the position of flexion
- Caused by thickening of A1 pulley and flexor tendon inflammation
What is Dupuytrens contracture?
- Familial disease characterized by the development of new fibrous tissue in the palmar and digital fascia of the hand
- Usually treated surgically and then with Active Splinting
What is Keinbocks Disease?
Avascular Necrosis of the Lunate
What nerve innervates sensation to palmar triangle of the hand?
Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Median
When should Extensor and Flexor Tendon injuries be repaired?
Extensor- injuries with >50% of the tendon lacerated
Flexor- >60%
What is the benefit of pressure therapy in managment of a burned hand?
Pressure Therapy helps prevent hypertrophic scarring after a burn
What is a Boxers Fracture?
Fracture of the metacarpal neck of the ring and little finger
What is Gamekeepers Thumb?
Injury to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the thumb
- If completely torn, the Adductor Aponeurosis can become wedged in the lax joint space, this is called a steners lesion
How are Gamekeepers Thumbs Treated?
Partial Rupture - Thumb Spica Splint x 4 weeks
- Complete tear- Usually Surgery
What is an Essex Lopresti Fracture?
Fracture of the Radial Head and Dislocation of the DRUJ Joint as well as disruption of the interosseous membrane
What is a Froments Sign?
Pinch paper between thumb and index pads and examiner attempts to pull it away. Ulnar deficient hands with flex DIP to hold the thumb opposed to paper
What are common sites of entrapment of the Median, Ulnar, and Radial Nerves at the Elbow?
- Median- Pronator Teres
- Ulnar- Cubital Tunnel
- Radial- Arcade of Frohse/Supinator
Which Porton of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament (MCL) is strongest?
Anterior Portion
What structure is the Greatest Restrain to Valgus stress at the elbow?