Elbow fracture (coronoid, olecranon, radial head) Flashcards
What is cubitus valgus vs varus?
cubitus valgus (increased carrying angle)
cubitus varus (decreased carrying angle)
What are the bony landmarks of the elbow?
olecranon and the two epicondyles which form an equilateral triangle in the flexed position
What is the normal range of elbow movement ?
Flexion/extension - 0 to 150 degrees
Pronation/supination - 90degrees (mid-prone position is usually taken as 0)
Which nerve roots are responsible for elbow flexion and extension?
- C6 – elbow flexion, wrist extension
- C7 – elbow extension, wrist flexion
What is the most common elbow fracture?
Supracondylar, occurs mostly in children
What is the most common mechanism for elbow dislocation?
This is usually produced by a fall on the hand with the elbow partially flexed.
What is a common mechanims for fracture dislocation of the elbow?
Injury sustained by a blow to the elbow held hanging out of a car window i.e. ‘side-sweep’
Condyles of humerus, radial head or most commonly the olecranon can become fractured
What type of elbow fracture is shown? What is the mechanism of injury?
Supracondylar fracture of the humerus - lower fragment is typically displaced and rotated backwards
MOI: childhood fall on an outstretched hand
How do supracondylar fractures present?
- Considerable swelling
- Elbow held in semi-flexed position
- Crepitus on movement
What are the complications of supracondylar fractures?
Damage to brachial artery - damaged if the elbow is flexed before the fracture is reduced
‘Gunstock’ deformity - malunion
NB:Nerve injuries are uncommon but median and ulnar palsies may occur.
What is the management of supracondylar fractures?
Manipulation under anaesthesia - elbow is kept flexed to about 60 degrees and the epicondyles are held between
the operator’s fingers whilst fragment is moved downwards and forwards. Serial XR taken to confirm position
Collar and cuff sling - epicondyles must be held level otherwise the frasture may unite with a tilt; this is held against the chest. Elbow should not be flexed over 90 degrees as swelling may impair distal circulation
How long after manipulation should you monitor someone with supracondylar fracture?
24hrs to monitor for limb ischaemia
What are the warning signs for limb ischaemia in supracondylar fractures? What are the complications of this?
Pain in the forearm flexor region and particularly on passive extension of the fingers is a warning sign of ischaemia of the forearm muscles. Elbow must be extended if this occurs and the artery explored.
If untreated –> Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture
What is shown?
Volkmann’s contracture
What is the management of a supracondylar fracture which is unstable after manipulation and collar/cuff positioning?
- Immobilisation in extension if unstable in flexion
- Traction e.g. Dunlop traction for supracondylar fracture
- Internal fixation