EL Chapter 1: An Intro to Leadership Flashcards
Leadership is…
a relational and ethical process of people together attempting to accomplish positive change.
- understand the self and others
- organizations are most effective when in a learning environment
- rapidly changing world requires people leading together for meaningful change
6 Foundational Principles of Leadership:
- leadership is a concern of all of us
- leadership is viewed and valued differently by various disciplines and cultures
- conventional views of leadership have changed
- leadership can be exhibited in many ways
- leadership qualities and skills can be learned and developed
- leadership committed to ethical action is needed to encourage change and social responsibility
The three active verbs are…
Knowing - you must know – yourself, how change occurs, and how and why others may view things differently than you do.
Being - you must be – ethical, principled, authentic, open, caring, and inclusive
Doing - you must act – in socially responsible ways, consistently and congruently, as a participant in a community, and on your commitments and passions.
What is a paradigm shift?
A critical process to leading in rapidly changing, complex times in examining our own assumptions and realizing that others may see things differently.
In the past, the focus has been on ______, now it is on ______. Followers speak ______ and take ______ when leadership practices used are not effective for the organization.
leaders, followers, truth, risks
Followers should….
offer support to the leader, take initiative, play counseling and coaching roles when necessary, seek and encourage honest feedback from the leader, clarify your role and expectations, show appreciation, keep the leader informed, resist inappropriate influence of the leader
Kolb’s learning model suggests we come to new information in one of two ways:
Doing something (concrete experience) or thinking about something (abstract conceptualization)
We process information by reflection (_______) or applying (__________)
reflective observation, active experimentation
One way to remember Kolb’s learning model is…
What? So what? Now what?