EKG exam 2 & 3 images Flashcards
What is that rhythm

Sinus tachycardia
What is that rhythm?

Atrial fibrillation
What is that rhythm?

Atrial flutter
What is that rhythm?

Supraventricular tachycardia
Which heart block is that?

First degree AV block
What rhythm is that?

Ventricular fibrillation
What type of heart block is that?

3rd degree AV block
What heart block is that?

2nd degree AV block Mobitz Type II
Which type of heart block is that?

Right bundle branch block
What pathology is in that EKG?

ST elevation myocardial infarction
What pathology is in that EKG?

Cardiac ischemia
What pathology is in that EKG?

Left bundle branch block
What pathology is in that EKG?

Left ventricular hypertrophy
What pathology is in that EKG?

Non-sustained supraventricular tachycardia
What pathology is in that EKG?

Right ventricular hypertrophy
What happened there?

Sinus pause with sinus recovery
What kind of heart block is that?

3rd degree AV block
What is that rhythm?

Ventricular tachycardia
What happened there?

Premature atrial contraction
Rate and rhythm?

Atrial fibrillation at 100bpm
Rate and rhythm?

Supraventricular tachycardia at 150bpm
Rate and rhythm?

Atrial flutter at 100bpm with variable AV block
Rate and rhythm?

Sinus tachycardia at 115bpm
Rate and rhythm? (Look at arrows!)

Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) at 130bpm with possible anterolateral ischemia
What kind of beat?

Premature beat
What is blocked?

Blocked atrial contraction. P wave can’t conduct ventricular contraction.

Rate and rhythm? Evidence of what?

SVT at 300bpm. Evidence of cardiac ischemia.

Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
What sort of contraction?

What’s this called?

Ventricular Bigeminy
Multi of what?

Multifocal PVCs

Non-sustained VTach

Sustained VTach

Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
Which block?

First degree AV-block
Type of block?

2nd degree, type 1
Type of block?

Second degree, type 1
Type of block?

Second degree, type 2
Type of block?

Second degree, type 2
Type of block?

Third degree (complete)
Type of block?

Right bundle branch block
Type of block?

Type of block?

Pacemaker in which chamber?

Atrial Pacemaker. Note pacer spikes prior to P waves.
Pacemaker in which chamber?

Ventricular Pacemaker. Note pacer spikes. Right ventricle contracts before left.
Pacemaker in which chamber(s)? Special name?

Sequential Dual Chamber A-V Pacemaker
What are these beats called?

What kind of rhythm? (Hint: think pacemaker and chamber)

Atrial Paced Rhythm
What kind of rhythm? (Hint: think pacemaker)

Ventricular paced coarse afib
Pacemaker in which chamber(s)?

Dual Chamber Pacemaker
What is this wave called? Which condition?

Delta-wave. WPW.
What waves called? Which condition?

Delta-waves (slurring of R upstroke). WPW.
What are these waves called? What condition?

Delta-waves. WPW.
WPW resulting in which AVRT?

Orthodromic AVRT. (Nearly indistinguishable from AVNRT.)
WPW causing what?

SVT with abberancy (antidromic AVRT)
WPW and afib due to what?

Bundle of Kent. Can induce vfib.
WPW with what other rhythm?

WPW with Atrial Fibrillation
WPW with what other rhythm?

WPW with Atrial Fibrillation
What happened to this WPW?

WPW + afib= vfib
Which syndrome?

Lown-Ganong-Levine Syndrome
What type of tachycardia?

Supraventricular tachycardia at a rate of 160 with possible inferior and lateral cardiac ischemia.
Type of block?

Second degree Type I

Sinus tachycardia at 150bpm
Interpretation? (Hint: 3 big things)

Inferior STEMI with complete heart block and right bundle branch block
What major problem?

Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern with inferior and lateral T wave inversions (possibly ischemia)
STEMI? WPW complication?

Inferior STEMI with antidromic AVRT from WPW with reciprocal changes
What is that rhythm?

Sinus bradycardia
What is that rhythm?

Sinus tachycardia
What is that rhythm?

Supraventricular tachycardia
What is that rhythm?

Atrial fibrillation
What is that rhythm?

Atrial flutter
What is that rhythm?

Sinus pause with sinus recovery
What is that rhythm?

Sinus pause with junctional escape rhythm
What is that rhythm?

Sinus pause with ventricular escape
What is that rhythm?

Premature atrial contraction
What is that rhythm?

What is that rhythm?

First degree AVB
What is that rhythm

Second degree AV block Mobitz Type I
What was that rhythm?

Second degree AV block Mobitz Type II
What is that rhythm?

3rd degree AV block
What is that rhythm?

Right bundle branch block

Left bundle branch block

Ventricular tachycardia

Episode of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia

Torsade de Pointe

Ventricular fibrillation

Premature ventricular contraction

Ventricular trigeminy

Ventricular bigeminy
Paced? Chamber(s)?

Dual chamber pacer

Left ventricular hypertrophy

ST elevation myocardial infarction

Right ventricular hypertrophy