Ejemplos Gramaticales Flashcards
You’re very good at flying
Eres muy buena volando
Their boyfriends are going to Mexico
Sus novios están yendo a México
I was watching them the whole time
Las estuve viendo todo el tiempo
They can hurt you if you get too close
Pueden lastimarte si te les acercas
I know that mom and dad told you to come back if you were hungry, but maybe you should wait for your sister
Sé que mama y papa te dijeron que volverías si tenías hambre, pero deberías esperar a tu hermana
I was wondering if you could help me jump
Me preguntaba si me podrías ayudar a saltar
The weather looks like it can’t make up its mind
El clima parece no poder decidirse
And they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be frogs if it weren’t for her
Y no habían tenido oportunidad de ser ramas de no ser por ella
The last time I saw her, she was walking with colleagues
La ultima vez que la ví, iba caminando con colegas
It wouldn’t have been the same without you
No habría sido la misma sin ti
I’ve been here for two weeks
He estado aquí por dos semanas
If you had come, you would have had fun
Si hubieras venido, te habrías divertido mucho
If I had seen her, I would have said something
Si la hubiera visto, habría dicho algo
He said he would clean the bathroon
Juan dijo que limpiaría el baño
If I were rich, I would travel everywhere
Si fuera rica, yo viajaría por todas partes
If he was here, would you tell him the truth?
Si Juan estuviera aquí, ¿le dirías la verdad?
Please, could you tell me what time the gas station opens?
Por favor, ¿me podría decir a qué hora abre la gasolina?
If I could, I would
Si pudiera, lo haría
If I studied more, I would get better grades
Si estudiera más, yo sacaría notas mejores
If I had studied more, I would have gotten better grades (super past)
Si hubiera estudiado más, habría sacado notas mejores
Those places were filled with young people
Esos lugares estaban llenos de gente joven
Dominican Spanish seemed much different to me than that of the professors
El español de los dominicanos se me hizo bien diferente al español de los profesores en la universidad
If I didn’t understand those ones, then I understood these ones much less
Si no les entendía aquellos, pues, menos les entendía a estos.
I thought it was them
Creí que eran ellos