Eicosanoids Lecture Oct 3 Flashcards
What are the 6 classes of eicosanoids?
What two eicosanoids are produced by the cyclooxygenase (cyclic) pathway?
prostaglandins and thromboxanes
What 3 eicosanoids are produced by the lipoxygenase (linear) pathway?
Which eicosanoid is produced by nonenzymatic free radical attack?
What is it’s clinical use?
There doesn’t seem to be a biological purpose for these yet, but they are great for lab test purposes because having elevated isoprostanes int h urine is indicative of oxidative stress and damage in the body
Which eicosanoids will be produced by the cytochorme p450 enzymes?
What is the method of action for prostaglandins?
they function as autocrine and paracrine hormones because htey have a very short half life
Which blood cell is the most affected by thromboxanes?
platelets - thromboxanes mediate vasoconstruction and platelet aggregaton
What is the precursor for the eicosanoids?
arachidonic acid
What do we need to take in from the diet to make arachidonic acid?
We have to eat linoleic and linolenic fatty acids because our fatty acyl desaturate enzyme can’t make double bonds if the desired location is too far away from the CoA end.
How is most of the arachidonic acid in the cell stored?
It’s stored in phospholipids located in the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane. PIP2 is the most common, but phosphtidylcholin often has it as well.
The arachidonic acid is usually attached to the 2nd carbon of the glycerol backbone
Different phospholipases cleave at different locations. WHere do the following cleave?
PLA2 cleaves at the 2 position on the glycerol
PLA1 cleaves on the 1 position
PLC cuts off the head group WITH the phosphate attached
PLD cuts off the head group WITHOUT the phosphate
What are the two methods for freeing arachidonic acid from the membrane in our cells?
- PLC will cleave the phosphoinositol bisohpate into DAG and IP3. DAG lipase will then cleave the arachidonic acid off of the DAG.
- PLA2 will directly clave the arachidonic acid off the phospholipid
What receptors activate the lipases required to free arachidonic acid from the membrane?
GPCRs on the membrane
Prostaglandin nomeclature provides what information?
PG = prostaglading
I = the shape of the ring
2 = # of double bonds in the linear portions
What do ALL prostaglandins have structurally?
A hydrosyl at carobn 15
double bonds between carbons 13 and 14
a 5-carbon ring structure