Cell Differentiation Lecture Sep 30 Flashcards
What are te 3 main goals of a fertilized egg durin gearly development?
- increase # of cells via proliferatoin
- increase number of cell types by differentiation
- Generate polarity to establish body axes
In monozygotic twinning, what will happen if:
the split occurs before trophoblast formation?
the split occursat the early inner cell mass stage?
the split occurs later than that?
before trophoblast: there will be 2 placentas and 2 amnions.
during early inner cell mass: 1 placenta and 2 amnions
later: 1 placenta and 1 amnion
what increases the risk of conjoined twins?
the later the split, the more likely they won’t separate entirely
What is regulative development?
WHat is mosaic development?w
Which do humans use?
Regulative development: the blastomeres have similar developmental potencies with each capable of giving rise to a complete embryo. DIfferentiation is responsive to environmental signals.
Mosaic Development: cell fat is already assigned during cleavage and a strict developmental pplan is in place whereby removal of one or more sells results in an incomplete embryo.Cell fate is determined by differential inheritance of specific factors among daughter cells via asymmetric cell division?
Humans do mainly regulative development with some mosaic
Patterns of gene expression can be influenced by what two methods? Which one goes with regulative development? Which one goes with mosaic development?
Asymmetric cell division (sister cells are born different - they get different factors). This one goes with mosaic development in lower animals
Induction is the ability of one cell to influence the deelopment of another cell, so daughter cells are identical and then altered by receiving distinct envrionmental signals. THis one goes with regulative development.
What 5 basic mechanisms underlie the ability of cells ot produce different sets of functional proteins?
- differential gene expression
- selective nuclear RNA processing
- Selective mRNA translation
- Selective mRNA degradation
- Differential protein modification
During development when does the first differentiation decision ocur? How about the second?
First decision: inner cell mass or trophoblast?
Second decision: epiblast or hypoblast?
What signalling pathway is involved int he first decision: inner cell mass or trophoblast?
Hippo signalling with Mst1 or Mst2, Yap and Tead4.
How does Hippo signalling results in differentiation between the inner cell mass and trophoblast?
- Signals from the outer cells inhibit Mst1/2 phosphorylation of the transcription factor Yap. This allows Yap to translocate to the nucleus and activate Tead4 transcription factors which will activate genes associated with the formation of the trophoblast (these include Cdx2).
- Inner cells are unpolarized and do not inhibit Mst1/2. so Yap is phosphorylated and cannot translocate into the nhcleus to activate Tead4, you don’t get Cdx2, and they don’t develop into trophoblast.
What transcription factors drive the second decision: epiblast or hypoblast?
What are the steps leading to the separation of epiblast or hypoblast?
- at first, all blostomeres express Oct4 and Nanog, which are trx factors associated with pluripotency and stem cell fucntion
- In the 1st decision, Cdx2 is expressed in trophoblast cells only bia inhibition of Hippo
- Inner cell mass cell maintain Hippo signaling and express Oct4, Nanog and Gata
- Oct4/Nanog and Cdx2/GATA inhibit each other, so inner cells express EITHER Oct4/Nanog OR Gata.
- Gata-positive cells segregate out to form the hypoblast.
What two fundamental processes occur to early development?
- a progressive restriction of cell fate
- extensive cell motility and migration events
What are totipotent cells capable of?
they can give rise to all embryonic and extraembryonic cell types and structures
WHat are pleuripotent cells capable of?
can give rise to all embryonic cell types and structures
What are multipotent cells capable of?
can give rise to multiple, but not all, cell types
what are unipotent cells capable of?
can only give rise to one cell type
What is the potency of epiglast cells?
they are pleuripotent because they can give rise to all embryonic cell types and structures, but CANNOT give rise to the trophoblast anymore
WHat is the differnce between when a cell is committed and when a cell is determined?
A committed cell gains a general type of identity like a neural or epidermal cell, but the precise cell type is not yet defined
A determined cell is defined and further development is independent of envrionmetnal signals.
This usually occurs in sequence: commitment followed by determination
What is the embryonic genome activation?
On day 3 the mother’s mRNAs have mostly been degraded and the embryonic genome itself begins to be expressed in the cells
Cell differentiation relies on the emergence of differential gene expression patterns which alrgely involve what process?
- modification of histones to silence some genes
- induction of transcription factors
- chromatin remodelling