EH: Pulmonology Flashcards
CXR: “Opacification, consolidation, air bronchograms”
CXR: “hyperlucent lung fields with flattened diaphragms”
CXR: “heart > 50% AP diameter, cephalization, Kerly B lines & Fluffy interstitial edema”
CXR: “Cavity containing an air- fluid level”
Abcess - Caused by Staph and Aneorobics
CXR: “Upper lobe cavitation, consolidation +/- Hilar adenopathy”
CXR: “Thickened peritracheal stripe and splayed carina bifurcation”
Left Atria Enlargement by Mitral Stenosis
Mediastinum Lymphadenopathy (cancer)
Pleural Effusions see fluid >1cm on lat decu
Transudative: If low pleural glucose?
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Transudative: If high lymphocytes?
Transudative: If bloody?
Malignant or Pulmonary Embolus
If exudative?
Likely Parapneumonic Effusion, cancer, etc
If Thoracentesis is complicated?
(+ gram or cx, pH < 7.2, glc < 60)
Insert chest tube for drainage
Light’s Criteria –> Ttransudative if?
LDH < 200
LDH eff/serum < 0.6
Protein eff/serum < 0.5
All three have to be positive to be Transudative
High risk after surgery, long car ride, hyper coagulable state
Pleuritic Chest pain
< SpO2
Wedge Infarct - Westermark Pulmonary vessel Blocked
(cancer, nephrotic syndrome)
VQ scan or Sprial CT
Pleuritic chest pain, Hemoptysis, Tachypnea, Decr SpO2, Tachycardia
Right heart strain on EKG, Sinus Tach, Decr vascular markings on CXR, Wedge infarct, ABG w/ low CO2 and O2
If suspected PE?
If suspected, give heparin 1st!
Then work up w/ V/Q scan
Then spiral CT.
Pulmonary angiography is gold standard.
Tx for PE?
Tx w/ Heparin warfarin overlap
Use thrombolytics if severe but NOT if s/p surgery or hemorrhagic stroke
Surgical thrombectomy if life threatening
IVC filter if contraindications to chronic coagulation
- -> Impaired gas xchange
- -> inflam mediator release
- -> Hypoxemia
Bilateral Fluffy Infiltrates
Causes of ARDS
Gastric Aspiration
Low perfusion
Diagnosis of ARDS?
- ) PaO2/FiO2 < 200 (<300 means acute lung injury)
- ) Bilateral alveolar infiltrates on CXR
- ) PCWP is <18 mmHg (means pulmonary edema is non cardiogenic)
Tx for ARDS?
Oxygen; Mechanical ventilation w/ PEEP
Obstructive or Restrictive?
Obstructive or Restrictive?
Emphysema :
Obstructive or Restrictive?
Interstitial lung dz (sarcoid, silicosis, asbestosis):
Obstructive or Restrictive?
Structural- super obese :
Obstructive or Restrictive?
MG/ALS, phrenic nerve paralysis, scoliosis :
Obstructive or Restrictive?
Obstructive FEV1/FVC?
< 80% Predicted
Restrictive FEV1/FVC?
Obstructive TLC and RV?
↑ >120% predicted
Restrictive TLC and RV?
↓ <80% predicted
Obstructive / Restrictive?
Improves >12% with bronchodilator
Obstructive: Asthma does, COPD and Emphysema don’t
Restrictive: Nope
Obstructive / Restrictive?
DLCO reduced?
Obstructive: Reduced in Emphysema 2/2 alveolar destruction.
Restrictive: Reduced in ILD due to fibrosis thickening distance
Criteria for diagnosis of COPD?
Productive cough >3mo for >2 consecutive yrs
Treatment of COPD?
1st line = Ipratropium, Tiotropium.
2nd Beta agonists.
3rd Theophylline (Narrow therapeutic window, Arrhythmias)
COPD Indications to start O2?
PaO2 <55 or SpO2<88%. If cor pulmonale, <59
COPD: Criteria for exacerbation?
Change in sputum, increasing dyspnea
Treatment for COPD Exacerbation?
ABX (Macrolide) and Steroids
O2 to 90%
Albuterol / Ipratropium nebs
PO or IV corticosteroids
FQ or macrolide ABX
Best prognostic indicator for COPD?
FEV1 (Spirometry)
Shown to improve mortality in COPD?
- ) Quitting smoking (can decr rate of FEV1 decline
- ) Continuous O2 therapy >18hrs/day
Why is our goal of SpO2 94 - 95% instead of 100% in COPD?
COPDers are chronic CO2 retainers.
Hypoxia is the only drive for respiration.
Important vaccinations for COPDers?
Pneumococcus Vaccine w/ a 5yr booster
Yearly influenza vaccine
New Clubbing in a COPDer?
Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy (Cancer)
Acute Onset of Clubbing –> Lung Cancer
Next best step… get a CXR
Most likely cause is underlying lung malignancy
If pt has sxs twice a week and PFTs are normal?
Mild Intermitant
Albuterol only
If pt has sxs 4x a week, night cough 2x a month and
PFTs are normal?
Albuterol and Inhaled CS
If pt has sxs daily, night cough 2x a week and FEV1 is
60-80% predicted value?
Albuterol + inhaled CS + Long-acting beta-ag (salmeterol)
If pt has sxs daily, night cough 4x a week and FEV1 is
Albuterol + inhaled CS + Salmeterol + Montelukast and
Oral steroids
Asthma Exacerbation?
Tx w/ inhaled albuterol and PO/IV steroids.
Watch peak flow rates and blood gas.
PCO2 should be low.
Normalizing PCO2 means impending respiratory failure
Asthma Complication?
Allergic Brochopulmonary Aspergillus
Ab in Blood
CXR Popcorn calcification?
CXR Concentric calcification?
Old granuloma
Pulmonary Nodule:
If pt has risk factors (smoker, old), If >3cm, if eccentric calcification
Do open lung bx and remove the nodule
Most common cancer in non-smokers?
Occurs in scars of old pnia
Location and mets from lung?
Adeno Carcinoma Peripheral cancer.
Mets to Liver, Bone, Brain and Adrenals
Characteristics Adenocarcinoma of Lung effusion?
Exudative with high Hyaluronidase
Patient with kidney stones, constipation and malaise low PTH and central lung mass?
Squamous cell carcinoma.
Paraneoplastic syndrome 2/2 secretion of
PTH-rP. Low PO4, High Ca
Patient with shoulder pain, ptosis,
constricted pupil, and facial edema?
Superior Sulcus Syndrome from Small Cell Cancer
Central Cancer
Pancoast Tumor from Small Cell Cancer
Patient with ptosis better after 1
minute of upward gaze?
Lambert Eaton Syndrome from Small Cell Carcinoma
Ab to pre-syn Ca channel
Old smoker presenting w/ Na = 125,
moist mucus membranes, no JVD?
SIADH from Small Cell Carcinoma
Produces Euvolemic Hyponatremia
Fluid Restrict +/- 3% Saline in <112
CXR shows peripheral cavitation and CT showing Distant METS?
Large Cell Carcinoma
Peripheral Cancer
Causes Cavitation
Very Metastatic
“1cm nodues in upper lobes w/ eggshell calcifications”
Get yearly TB test!.
Give INH for 9mo if >10mm
“Reticulonodular process in lower lobes w/ pleural plaques”
Most common cancer is broncogenic carcinoma, but incr risk for mesothelioma
“Patchy lower lobe infiltrates, thermophilic actinomyces. “
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis = “farmer’s lung”
“Hilar lymphadenopathy, ↑ACE erythema nodosum”