EH: Cardiology Flashcards
Best 1st test for Cardio Patients, Next best test?
Cardiac Enzymes
If 2mm ST elevation or new LBBB (wide, flat QRS)
ST elevation immediately
T wave inversion 6hrs- years
Q waves last forever
Anterior LAD
I, avL, V4-V6
Lateral Circumflex
II, III and aVF
Inferior RCA
V4 on R-sided EKG is 100% specific
R ventricular
Emergency reperfusion
Go to cath lab or *thrombolytics if no contraindications
Hypotension, tachycardia, clear lungs, JVD,
and NO pulsus paradoxus
Right ventricular infarct
DON’T give Nitro
Tx w/ vigorous fluid resuscitation.
Myoglobin enzymes
Rises 1st Peaks in 2hrs
nl by 24
CKMB enzymes
Rise 4-8hrs Peaks 24 hrs
nl by 72hs
Troponin I enzymes
Rise 3-5hrs Peaks 24-48hrs
nl by 7-10days
MONA/C-B Tx therapy?
Aspirin / Clopidogrel
CABG if?
L main dz 3 vessel dz (2 vessel dz + DM)
>70% occlusion
Pain despite maximum medical tx
Post-infarction angina
Cardio Discharge Meds?
Aspirin (+ clopidogrel for 9-12mo if stent placed)
ACE-inhibitor if CHF or LV-dysfxn
Short acting nitrates
If no ST-elevation and normal cardiac enzymes x3…
Diagnosis is unstable angina
Before an Exercise EKG you should avoid?
Avoid B-blockers and CCB before
Can’t do EKG stress test if old LBBB
Baseline ST elevation
on Digoxin.
Do what instead?
Do Exercise Echo instead.
If pt can’t exercise
Do chemical stress test w/
Dobutamine or Adenosine.
Post MI main cause of death?
Post-MI New systolic murmur 5-7 days s/p?
Papillary muscle rupture
Post-MI Acute severe hypotension?
Ventricular free wall rupture
Post MI “step up” in O2 conc from RARV?
Ventricular septal rupture
Post MI Persistent ST elevation ~1mo later + systolic MR murmur?
Ventricular wall aneurysm
Post MI “Cannon A-waves”?
Either V-fib or 3rd degree heart block
Post MI, 5-10wks later pleuritic CP, low grade temp?
Dressler’s syndrome
(probably) autoimmune pericarditis.
Tx w/ NSAIDs and Aspirin.
If worse w/ inspiration, better w/ leaning forwards,
friction rub & diffuse ST elevation?
Chest Pain, If worse w/ palpation?
If vague w/ hx of viral infxn and murmur?
If occurs at rest, worse at night, few CAD risk factors and migraine headaches, w/ transient ST elevation during episodes?
Prinzmetal’s angina
Dx w/ ergonovine stim test
Tx w/ CCB or nitrates
“Progressive, prolongation of the PR interval followed by a dropped beat”
Wikebock Mobitz Type I
Cannon-a waves on physical exam.
“regular P-P interval and regular R-R interval”
3rd Degree Heart Block
“varrying PR interval with 3 or more morphologically distinct P waves in the same lead”.
Seen in an old person w/ chronic lung dz in pending respiratory failure (pneumonia)
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (MAT)
“Three or more consecutive beats w/ QRS <120ms @
a rate of >120bpm”
Ventricular Tacycardia
Defib if unstable
Lidocaine or Amiodorone if stable
“Short PR interval followed by QRS >120ms with a slurred initial deflection representing early ventricular activation via the bundle of Kent”.
Delta Waves present
Wolf-Parkinsone-White (WPW)
Tx: Procainamide!
DONT GIVE Anything that Slows AV conduction
B-blockers, Digoxin, CCB, Verapamil, Diltiazam
“Regular rhythm with a ventricular rate of 125-150 bpm and atrial rate of 250-300 bpm”
Atrial Flutter
Tx Unstable - Shock-em’ - cardiovert
Tx Stable - B-blockers or Digoxin
“prolonged QT interval leading to undulating rotation of the QRS complex around the EKG baseline” In a pt w/ low Mg and low K. Li or TCA OD”
Electrolyte Abnormality (Low Magnesium, Low Potassium)
Tricyclic abnormality
Torsaides De Pointes
“Regular rhythm w/ a rate btwn 150-220bpm.”
Sudden onset of palpitations/dizziness and then they go away.
Supra Ventricular Tachycardia
1st Line Tx: Carotid Massage
2nd Line Tx: Adenosine
Renal failure patient/crush injury/burn victim w/ “peaked T-waves, widened QRS, short QT and prolonged PR.”
Renal Patient who missed dialysis
Burn Victims
“Alternate beat variation in direction, amplitude and duration of the QRS complex” in a patient w/ pulsus paradoxus, hypotension, distant heart sounds, JVD
Undulating Baseline
Electrical Alternans
“Undulating baseline, no p- waves appreciated, irregular R-R interval” in a hyperthyroid pt, old pt w/ SOB/dizziness/palpitations w/ CHF or valve dz
Too much synthroid
CHF who has Valve Disease
Atrial Fibriliation (A-fib)
1st Line Tx: Rate or Rhythem control? - Rate Control
SEM cresc/decresc, louder w/ squatting, softer w/ valsalva. + parvus et tardus
Aortic Stenosis
SEM louder w/ valsalva, softer w/ squatting or handgrip.
Valsalva decreases preload
Late systolic murmur w/ click louder w/ valsalva and handgrip, softer w/ squatting
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Holosystolic murmur radiates to axilla w/ LAE
Mitral Regurgitation
Holosystolic murmur w/ late diastolic rumble in kiddos
Continuous machine like murmur-
Wide fixed and split S2-
Rumbling diastolic murmur with an opening snap, LAE
and A-fib
Mitral Stenosis
Blowing diastolic murmur with widened pulse pressure
and eponym parade
Aortic Regurgitation
If you suspect PE (history of cancer, surgery or lots of butt sitting) then what?
For acute pulmonary edema give?
If young w/ sxs of CHF w/ prior hx of viral infx?
SOB on exertion or need Pillows at Night
Consider Myocarditis (Coxsackie B)
If pt is young and no cardiomegaly on CXR –> consider?
Order Right Heart Cath - Measure Left Atrial Pressure
Systolic CHF - decreased EF (<55%)
– Ischemic, dilated
- Viral, ETOH, Cocaine, Chagas, Idiopathic
- Alcoholic dilated cardiomyopathy is reversible if you stop the booze.
Diastolic- normal EF, heart can’t fill?
HTN, amyloidosis, hemachromatosis
• Hemachromatosis restrictive cardiomyopathy is reversible w/ Phlebotomy.
Improve survival- prevent remodeling by aldo
B-blocker ?
(metoprolol and carveldilol)
Improve survival- prevent remodeling by epi/norepi
Spironolactone ?
Improves survival in NYHA class III and IV
Furosemide ?
Improves sxs (SOB, crackles, edema)
Decreases sxs and hospitalizations. NOT survival