Egypt Final Flashcards
Club of great powers
New kingdom, new dominant state unlike Middle Kingdom, exchanged messages gifts and brides
Deir el Medina
New kingdom, reflective of environment
new kingdom charactersitics
- club of great powers
- imperialist, required beuraucracy
- nubia conquered by thutmose III
- souuth used for gold
- wars with syria and palestine gave access to asian culture
- two capitals: thebes(religious) memphis(secular)
- strong bureaucracy because king was gone
- wealth from conquests allowed for infrastructure
ahmose son of ibana
- new kingdom
- had his career inscribed in a tomb, says he sacked avaris but may habe been lying
- recounts campaigns under ahmose
king ahmose
- new kingdom, defeated hyksos
- established base in avaris, bery imperialist
thutmose I
- new kingdom
- destroyed kingdom of kush, kerma
- known for imperialism
mittani state
- new kingdom
- clashed with imperializsm, small states that claimed allegiane to mittani
battle of megiddo
- new kingdom
- thutmose III
- important battle against syria and palestine because began series of campaigns, other states became impressed with thutmose III military activity
- city in new kingdom along mediterranean
- hatshepsut was proud of expedition there because it opene dtrade contacts
- new kingdom
- wife of thutmost I, step mom of thutmose iii
- became pharaoh when thutmose I died
- gods wife of amun
- depicted as man
- said she restored egypt from hysksos rule
- thutmose III erased her names
amarna revolution and late 18th dynasty characteristics
- peaceful with mediterranea
- lots of building projedcts
- amenhotep III aka akhenaten promoten aten exclusively
- amarna archive
- competition with hittties
amenhotep III
- master of all other countries
- wife was tiye
- not concerned with expansion, peaceful
- most building activity except for ramses II
- festivals to support royal deification
- radiant solar disk
- large bureaucyracy
amarna archive
- during lat 18th century, written to ourt
- involve akhenaten, babylonian language
- two goups: larger is vassal, imperial control, smaller is club of great powers
- gifts, brothers, neightbors, created ties
- local rulers tried to coax egypt to spport them in conflicts
rib adda
- amarna letter correspondence
- accused neighboring kings of amurru of threatening byblos, hittites problems
- later betrayed egypt and allied with hittites
king suppiluliuma
- king of hittites, defeated mittani
- controlled northwest syria, brought into conflict with hittites
- tried to have marriage alliance but prince was assasinated
- husband of akhenaten
- same size and stature(represented), may have been equal
-son rules with father
amenhotep IV aka akhenaten
- only one god aten, discouraged multiple gods relied on army
- married to nefertiti, she had full status
- developed talatat
- abandoned thebes, established capitalbetween thebes and memphis called akhetaten
- building activity affected art, amarna artdistorted body
stone building technique, smaller blocks
-between thebes and memhpis,distanced form elitesand also from religious capital
- moved capital back from akhetaten to memphis
- death led to power struggle between ay, oldman, and general horemheb
succeeeded tutankahmun, removed akenaten
the ramessid empire characteristics
-fights with hittites
-lots of building
peace with hittites
ramses II
- portrayed himself as a sole great warrior, particularly battle of qadesh
- more monuments than any other king
- constructed piramesse as the capial
- lax with syro palestine and nubia, set up fortresses along dessert
- foreigners for labor, menial positions, occasinally butlers
- lots of temples for wife nefertari
battle of qadesh
- gave ramses II famous
- result of escalations between hittites after prince was assasinated
- hittites attacked egyptians, pushing them back to ramsey where he defeated all of them
- represents a breakdown in expected diplomatic and military behavior
sety I
-father of ramses II
large building program
-built temple of osiris
-reinstated amun
-built by ramses II, demonstrated close contacts with western asia
deir el medina
- literate artistic, well off
- relied on outsidders for what they needed
- literate
- internal struggles resembled court intrigues, lack of foodwas states economic downturn, rise in crime was collapse of royal authorityA
the end of empire 1213-1070 characteristics
- corruption, amennakhte and paneb in deir el medina
- WEAKENING OF COURT ex conspiracy theory with tiy to have her son take throne f ramses III, tomb robberies, workers strikes bc problems with payments
- king couldnt provide
- loss of foriegn territories, corruption, ribery,, shift from secular to religious authorities
- when sety died, saptah was king and depended on butler bay, said he placed saptah on throne which meant he was god, killed by saptah
- queen tausret took place after saptah died, replaced by sethnakht
- competition in power between descendatns of ramses sety and amenmessu
- attacks from libyans and sea peoples
- no more international contact
- ended with ramses XI and herihor
-random guy during end of ramessid period who claimed the throne amidst turmoil
ramses III
- son of sethnakht who didnt have any royal blood, trying to compensate
- led to more religious power and decline of secular state
ramses XI
-end of the new kingdom
-nubian king who entered eygpt near end of old dkingdom
- general of ramses XI who chased panehsy out of egypt, declaired himself vizier and high priest, soon ignored ramses XI
- ruled from thebes
third intermediate period characteristics
- kings at tanis and high priests at thebes recognized existence, acted jointly
- shared by close family members
- nonviolent takeover by immigrant libyans
- after sheshonq died, split into a lot of different rulers
thebes and tanis
-secular in tanis, religious in thebes
-thebes handled ll religious matters
tale of wenamu
during middle kingdom, servant of herihor went to get wood but king wouldndt even see him or responect that amun would have been greatful
ma sheshanq
- libyan who took over egypt i nthird intermedite period
- orqacle approved
- approved of parallel ruling
- appointed men to thebes
- maybe conducted military actions abroad
the gods wife of amun
-appopinted wives, came with ag land
nubians third intermediate period
traded with assyria
- big tombs
- at napata
- nubian king during the third intermediate period
- fought tefnakht after he took over northern egypt
- returned to napata
egypt in the age of empires characteristics
- -babylonia conquered assyria and egypt, conquered by persians
- military itegrated, ex potasimto egyptian leader of foreigners but was son of greek
- nubians fluorished, even though psamtek II raided them
- persians took over
new ruler of kush following piy, asserted nubian control on egypt , maybe to defend fromm assyrians
assyians vs egypt
- taharqo was egyptiann king, assyrians capture memphis but taharqo toook it back
- assyrians put locals in charge and made them pay tribute
- father betrayed assyria but reinstated ruler of memphis
- strongest ruler in egypt bc nubia was gone
- ruler of upper and lower egyt
greek city set up near sais
- interest in the past, aka king shabaqos stone that praises cit of memphis, recoutns creation story
- past fascinated artists
- acknowledged existing diversity, instead inserted himself into existing ideologies
- egypt distant from core of the emipre
- kept original egyptan govt but integrated persians into it
- egyptians still stayed in govrt service, ex udjahorresnet who spent time in persia
- dug the canal fro delta to red sea
- technology implemented by persians, consisted of undderground tunnels that channeled groundwater from aquifers over long distances, enabled irrigation of large areas of land
- empire fluorished
- collected all laws of egypt
- egyptian opposition
- small successful rebellion, inspired from nationaoims
- chose egyptian names, bililngual steles
- depicted as eguptians
greek and roman egypt characteristics
- incorporated into egypt
- army included mix
- upper classes had to work together
- building programs
- needed support of church, in return church didnt need to pay as much taxes
- egyptians learned greek
- invention of coptic, recent literature took int old egyptian characters
- merged gods
- agriculture in fayyum, new irrigation technologies
- egypt still center of trade
- nubia held on to egyptian traditions
- creation of alexander the great
- departure of egyptian pracitces, first a mediterranean city
- appearance was greek
- only greeks were free citizens
- center for intellecutala life
- commericial center
- egypt influenced burials
- more egyptian
- religious colmplex
- kings left inscriptisons in greek on monuments
- nubians considered it place of pilgrimage
- theodosius decree that closed down egyptian temples didnt effect philae
ptolemy I soter
- invented ruler cult
- infighting in court led to downfall and egypt secession from ptolemaic state
queen cleopatra VII
- exiled from expelled egypt but got jelp from julius caesar
- when caesar died, dazzled mark antony
- stopped by octaius
roman egypt
governed by prefet
-greek god influenced by egyptians, queen of all gods
- city of nubia located here during greek and roman times
- egyptian influencec
- fluroished from 300bc to 100 ad, depended on trade
- ptolemies wanted african goods
- theodosius banned hieroglyphs and ctemples
- roman emeror as king didnt reside in country
- christianity took over