Ego Depletion Flashcards
Self control vs Self regulation
continuous acting out of self control
overriding spontanious impulses that would lead to immediate satisfaction and dismissing of long term goals.
self control strength model
limited resources model
Alter effects of self control
-> subsequent self control trials are less succesful than the prior once.
study examples proving the effect of ego depletion
Baumeister et al.
Raddishes vs Cookies vs nothing
Ego depletion due to emotion
Study sad video clip –> affect suppression leads to ego depletion, persistence on hand grip task was decreased.
ego depletion due to failure
- dieters that failed in a self control task were more likely to break their diets.
ego depletion process model
motivational and attentional shifts mediate self control failure
Baumeisters arguments for ego depletion
- the phenomenon has been shown in his experiments
- the newer experiments that criticized the effect of ego depletion are not using the right set up of the experiment - have no construct validity.
Arguments against ego depletion
- p hacking
- publication bias
- the effect was not found in the multilab study
- result could not be replicated
- effects were only observed indirectly through the sequential paradigm task
- the motivational approach does counteract the ego depletion phenomenon
lack of standards, failure to monitor,
lack of strength to override your impulses
–> being unable to control yourself
inapropriate goal setting
misunderstood contingencies
false assumptions
trying to control aspects that are uncontrollable
overprioritising affect regulation