Efficiency, equity and taxation Flashcards
● Marginal benefit is greater/smaller than marginal cost at the output level
● Deadweight loss exists
Positive externality
● no compensation paid by the third party
● external benefit exists
● under-production from society’s viewpoint (MSB > MSC)
● subsidy can lower MPC to increase production until efficient output level
Negative externality
● no compensation paid to the third party
● external cost exists
● over-production from society’s viewpoint (MSC > MSB)
● tax can raise marginal private cost to decrease production until efficient output level
● Equalizing income (income inequality)
● Equalizing opportunities (income-earning power in future)
Direct / Indirect tax
Tax burden cannot / can be shifted to other parties
Progressive tax
Average tax rate increases as the taxable income increases
Proportional tax
Average tax rate remains unchanged as the taxable income increases
Regressive tax
Average tax rate decreases as the taxable income increases
Effects of tax/ policy on income distribution
● Disposable income of high-income group increase/ decrease
● Disposable income of low-income group increase/ decrease
● Income distribution becomes more/ less even
● Income inequality is improved/ worsened
Principles of taxation
● Equality (proportional tax rate)
● Certainty (well-defined)
● Convenience (method of tax collection)
● Economy (low administration cost)
Source principle
Income not derived from Hong Kong would not be taxed by the Hong Kong government
Indirect tax not in Hong Kong
General sales tax