Effect of an Electric current and domestic current Flashcards
Heating effect
The amount of heat produced by an electric current is dependent on the size of the current, the resistance of the conductor and the time for which it flows through
Joule’s Law
The rate at which heat is being produced in a conductor is directly proportional to the square of the current provided the resistant is a constant
Advantages of using high voltage in transmission of electrical energy
Higher the current the more energy that is dissipated as P=I2R. Larger current the larger the energy lost
Chemical effect
Electric current may cause a chemical reaction when passes through a liquid
Application of chemical effect
Electroplating - covering one metal with another layer of metal
Extracting metals from their ore
Purifying metals
Manufacture of one particular type of electrolytic capacitor
Metallic conductors
Provide the temperature remains constant as the voltage increases the current increases directly proportionally
In a metal the charge carrier are negative electrons
Filament lightbulb
Voltage increases the current increases
Higher current flowing there is temperature rise as the wire hearts and resistance increases
When filament is hot there is not the same charge in current for an increase in voltage
Charge carriers are the negative electrons
Semiconductors (thermistors)
Voltage increases there is an increase in current
This increase in current causes a temperature rise
This temperature rise causes more hole and conducting electrons to be released reducing the resistance
A further increase in voltage results in a much larger increase in current
Charge carriers are negative electrons and positive hole
Ionic solutions - electrolyte
As the p.d. increases the current also increases, the resistance remains constant thus you get a straight line graph
If electrodes are active they obey Ohm’s Law and pass through the origin
If electrodes are inactive the voltmeter behaves as a cell and produces an emf across the plate, the applied voltage must be larger than this emf before the current will flow
- A discharge tube has gas at low pressure.
- Due to backgroung radiation and cosmic
rays there will always be some ions being
formed in the gas. - These ions recombine with their electrons
after a while. - If a p.d. is applied across the tube, the
positive ions move towards the negative
plate and the electrons towards the
positive plate and a current flows.
As the p.d increases the number of ions crossing
the tube increases as so does the current - At a certain p.d. all the ions produced cross the
tube before recombining so s further increase in
p.d. produces no further increase in current. - As the p.d. is increased a stage is reached
where the ions and electrons have enough speed
to produce other ions and electrons by collisions
with a result the current increases with voltage. - In a gas the charge carries are the positive ions
and the negative electrons
A vacuum will not conduct electricity as there
are no charge carriers.
* However if the cathodeis heated enough
thermionic emissions will occur (electrons
from a hot metal)
* Electrons gain enough energy to to leave the
cathode and as the p.d. increases the current
increases until all electrons emitted are
carried across the tube, any further increase
will cause no further increase in current
Domestic current
- The domestic circuits have the
current that enter divided into
different circuits to prevent excess
current from flowing through. - A distribution box is used to separate
out the current. - Any device such as electric cooker or
electric shower is connected in such
a way that they are all on their own
fuse called a radial circuit.
Lighting current
- Lights don’t take much current
so many lights can be
connected together. - Each light is connected in
parallel so that if one bulb blows
the other bulbs will stay
Ring current
- In the ring circuit the live wire
of each of the plugs is
connected together and the
neutral wire are connected
Switches and fuses
- Both the switch and fuse should
be located on the live wire to
prevent electrocution. - A fuse is a piece of wire with a
low melting point, when too
much electricity flows through
Miniature circuit breaker
- Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) are
now used instead of fuses in
distribution boxes. - They contain a bimetallic strip and an
electromagnet. - The bimetallic strip causes the
contacts to pull apart for small
current. - The electromagnet is used for larger
currents. - They operate faster than fuses and
can be reset by flicking the switch
Residual current devices
- The sockets in houses are also
connected to RCDs. - They operate by detecting a
difference between the current
between the live and the neutral
wire. (if there was a short circuit
somewhere) - The RCDs trips very quickly
disconnecting the circuit from the
- Bonding is a safety system where all
metals taps, pipes, water tanks, etc.
are connected to earth. - If the pipe was to come in contact
with the live wire they will remain at
0V and will not pose the risk of
- Earthing is a safety feature where if
the live wire comes in contact with
metal outer of an object, there is a
risk of electrocution. - If it is earthed the current from the
live wire passes through the earth,
due to the low resistance excess
current will flow blowing the fuse