EEG Boards II Flashcards
Sphenoidal electrodes are used to record activity from the
anterior temporal lobes
If a patient starts to have a seizure during photic stimulation, the technologist should
turn off photic stimulator
The interictal EEG of children with a history of untreated febrile seizures usually is
Asychrony of sleep spindles is abnormal after
2 years old
Calculate the duration of the waveform in the box
150 msec
What type of response to photic stimulation is characterized by generalized spike-and-wave discharges continuing after the last flash?
Which of the following is one of the 10 ACNS Guidelines for ECI recordings?
Use of double distance montages
Which of the following medications would be expected to increase beta fequency activity?
Xanax (alprazolam)
Difference between epileptic seizures vs. non-epileptic events.
Prolonged duration LOC
Photic Driving is most common at what fequencies?
9-13 Hz
Referential recording is most appropriate for measuring
What differentiates Lambda and POSTS:
Occurs with eyes open
What do Mittens, midline rhythmic theta, and trace alternans have in common?
They are all normal waveforms
A posterior dominant rhythm reactive to eye closure first appears around
3-6 months
Which of the following patterns is characteristically eliminated by movement of a limb?
Mu rhythm
During an ECI recording, what is the highest sensitivity that must be included in the recording?
Lateralized periodic discharges
Which of the following represents a poor prognosis?
Alpha Coma
Of the following, which is NOT an ACNS guideline for ECI recording?
Record at the standard sensitivity setting of 7AuV/mm for at least 30 minutes of the recording
A 9 mm deflection at a setting of 20 microvolts/mm will have an input signal of
180 microvolts
Mu rhythm and alpha rhythm differ from each other in all of the follwoing respects EXCEPT:
A patient has generalized tonic-clonic seizure during EEG recording. If one electrode is pulled off, which of the following is the primary responsibility of the EEG technologist?
Protect the patient from injury andkeep EEG running
When the posterior background rhythm does not attenuate with eye opening it is referred to as:
Bancaud Phenomenon
The EEG of a patient with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome is most likely to show:
1.5 Hz spike and wave discharges
No difference in voltage between input 1 and input 2
Low amplitutde 11-14 Hz, 1-2 sec duration, maximal in central regions.
Sleep spindles
What is most useful when determining localization and polarity?
Which of the following is important for the technologist to document in order to aid in interpretation?
The patient was awake and alert during the recording.
Trace Alternant
35 weeks conceptual age
While recording using a bipolar montage, you notice that the channel c4-p4 is unusually flat compared to the other channels. What is a possible cause?
The electrodes are too close together.
An EEG technologist observes what appears to be both Mu Rhythm andposterior dominant rhythm at the same time during the live EEG. What can they do to prove that the rhythm is MU?
Ask the patient to move their hand that is contralateral to the suspected Mu Rhythm
Electrocerebral inactivity is defined as no EEG activity over
2 microvolts
If 60 Hz artifact is present in two channels of an EEG tracing, the first step in troubleshooting should be to
check electrode impedance
What is the duration of a 10 Hz wave at a display of 15 mm/second?
100 msec
At what conceptional age is a delta brush pattern primarily seen?
32 to 34 weeks
At therapeutic levels, phenytoin causes what kind of EEG findings?
No change
Very high voltage, generalized, but anterior-dominant fast activity appearing as continuous sleep spindles sometimes found in mental retardation has been referred to as:
extreme spindles
Which combination of settings will help enhance a low voltage slow wave that is being masked by muscle activity?
Sens 5; LF .3; Hf 35
Which normal waveform is NOT typically seen in the posterior leads?
What type of seizure is associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome?
All are correct
What is the name of artifact that appears as a prominent R wave with positivity over the left posterior quadrant of the head and can resemble spikes?
ECG artifact
Brain Abcess
Focal polymorphic delta activity
What is the likely focus and the polarity of the sharply contoured wave in the box?
FP1 Negative
An EEG shows eye blink and muscle artifact. What is the likely state of the patient?
NREM Stage 1 (N1) sleep is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:
Sleep spindles
What type of monitoring would be useful in an EEG patient experiencing syncope?
Which neurologic syndrome may be associated with focal epilepsy?
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
High data sampling rates in a digital EEG machine create
Smooth, connected lines
Signals common to both inputs of a differential amplifier with like frequency, amplitude and phase are:
Broken lead wire during a recording:
requires replacement