Durkheim - 3 functions of Education
- promote social solidarity
- promote co-operation
- develop skills needed for society
Gillborn and Youdell - The educational Triage (links to resources used in emergencies eg Wars)
- those who will survive - Those who will pass anyway
- those with a chance of survival - Those who have a potential to pass
- those who will die anyway - Those who will fail anyway
what do Gillborn and Youdell believe about the Educational Triage?
that it helps to understand the development of Subcultures
Lacey - Differentiation and Polarisation
Differentiation - teachers categorise students according to their ability
Polarisation - reaction formation - pupils move towards one of two poles
- pro school subculture OR anti school subculture
Weber - Ideal type consumer
The default positions which is viewed as the norm eg being on time and being well behaved
Bowles and Gintis - The hidden curriculum
lessons being indirectly taught in schools
Bowles and Gintis - The correspondence principle
Relationships found in schools correspond those in work EXAMPLES :
- school and work both have hierarchies
- people are motivated by external factors eg money
- authority is accepted and never questioned ( Legitimate domination)
Factors of material deprivation
- income and housing
- fear of debt
- diet and health
- financial support
Bourdieu - 3 types of Capital
- cultural - knowledge , taste
- education - qualifications
- economic - higher income
cultural deprivation
- linguistic skills ( language )
- attitudes and values ( sub-cultures)
- family structure ( parental education)
Pupil identities
- The ideal pupil - white , middle class with a normal sexuality who are high achievers
- The pathological pupil - Asian , ‘deserving poor’
- The demonised pupil - a black or white working class ( seen as unintelligent)
Mirza - 3 types of teacher racism
- The colour blind - believe all pupils are equal but allow racism to go unchallenged
- The liberal Chauvanists - black pupils - culturally deprived and have low expectations of them
- The overt racists - black who are actively discriminated against
Cohan - status frustration , value inversion and reaction formation
status frustration - working class boys accepting failure given to them by schools
value inversion - they internalise their conventional values and develop an alternative status hierarchy
reaction formation - form an anti school counter culture
Matza and Sykes - subteranean and conventional values
- Subterranean values - me , me , me
- conventional values - working hard , always aiming higher