Education: Theories Flashcards
Functionalist View: 4 functions of the education system.
- Passing on of society’s cultures
- Providing a bridge between the particularistic values and ascribed status of the family and the universalistic values and achieved status of contemporary society.
- Developing a human capital - a trained and qualified work force
- Selecting and allocating people for roles in a meritocratic.
Passing on of society’s cultures - criticisms
Marxists - society is not built upon a shared consensus and values, ignores the power relationships in society and the power of the ruling classes
Feminists - school passes on patriarchal values and disadvantages men and women
Providing a bridge between the particularistic values and ascribed status of the family and the universalistic values and achieved status of contemporary society- criticisms
Doubt is society is built upon universalistic values, many inherit wealth and factors such as social class are will influence achieved status
Developing a human capital - a trained and qualified work force - criticisms
Content learnt in school normally has nothing to do with what a person is taught within school and most occupational jobs involve training on the job
Selecting and allocating people for roles in a meritocratic - criticisms
Bowles and Gintis argue that the system disguises inequality and factors such as social class, ethnicity and gender are major influencers in success