Education Sociologists Flashcards
Human capital
Education teaches the specialist knowledge and skills needed to play their part in the social division of labour
Education ensures the most qualified end up in the jobs that match their skills
Davis and Moore
Education as a device for selection and role allocation
New vocationalism aims to provide society with skilled workforce
Create schemes within the education system that prepare students for workforce
Bowles and Gintis
Education legitimated class inequalities by reproducing ideas that disguise the truth
Suggest capitalism requires a workforce with the behaviour and personality suited to their role
Schools parallel the workforce
Bowles and Gintis research
Looked at 237 high school students
Schools reward submissive, compliant workers
Punished defiant behaviour
Rejected economic determinism as an explanation of social change
The proletariat have dual consciousness
Ideas are not only influenced by the bourgeoisie ideology but also by material conditions of their life
Aware of exploitation
Bernstein and Douglas
Found that middle class mothers are more likely to choose toys that encourage thinking and reasoning and this prepares them for educational success
Material deprivation
Found that cost of educational necessities such as transport, books and uniforms place heavy burden on families
Poor children have to make do with hand me down and cheaper less fashionable equipment
Peter Robinson (material deprivation evaluation)
Argues that tackling child poverty would be the most effective way to boost achievement
Engelmann and Bereiter
Language used by working class families is deficient
As a result they fail to develop the necessary language skills and grow up incapable of abstract thinking
That the values of lower class reflect a self imposed barrier to educational success
Believe they have less chance of achieving individual success and so see no point of education
Becker labelling research
Interviewing 60 high school teachers he found that they had an “ideal pupil”
Judged according to how closely students fitted the image
White, middle class, boy
Rist labelling research
Primary school teachers used students backgrounds to place them in separate groups
Fast learners were “tigers”
Less able were “clowns”
Working class tended to be “clowns”
Rosenthal and Jacobson
Told a school they had a test designed to identify “Spurters”
Then selected 20% of students at random as “Spurters”
47% of the “Spurters” showed significant progress
Margaret Fuller
Black girls in a comprehensive London school
Labelled as low achievers
Their response was to prove the teachers wrong
Gilborn and Youdell
Argue that publishing league tables lead to the “A-C economy”
This is a system in which schools ration their time and effort on those pupils they perceive as having the potential to get five A-C’s at GCSE