Education In Weimar Constitution Flashcards
What type of education existed in pre WW1 Germany?
Landed provided kindergarten care for children 3-5
Working class children went to volkesschule
Social mobility was difficult as families had to pay for education after the age of 14
What types of schools were set up under the Weimar constitution?
- compulsory grandschule for children 6-10 run my lander
- common schools took children of various faiths and taught religion separately
- confessional schools and faith schools became fee paying
Secular schools had no religious education
What were the education articles?
Kept compulsory grundscule but also kept religion and faith schools
What did the government fail to introduce?
A federal school law in 1925 - reichstag would not agree
Who supported the ideas proposed in the federal school law of having both secular and faith schools?
Reich parents league
Who opposed the idea above (reich parents league)?
The volkskirche association for evangelical freedom
How did education remain under the Weimar Republic?
It remained diverse
29,000 Protestant schools
Just over 15,000 catholic schools
97 Jewish schools
Over 8,000 common schools
295 secular schools in 1931
What education existed beyond the age of 10?
Fee paying
Hauptscule - went into trade/apprenticeships
Realschule - business or technical training
Gymnasium - went to university
What exam did you have to pass to go to university?
Abitur exam
What corporations existed in unis?
Duelling corporations
Non duelling corporations
Did Weimar government encourage more working class to go to university?
They wanted to but only 2.3% of students who went to university had middle class parents