Education & Health Care Flashcards
Education, 1949
Standard very poor.
45.2% of males and 2.2% of females received schooling.
80% of population were illiterate.
Education based on Confucian concepts.
Elitist system, best schools were in cities.
Charged tuition fees + set entrance exams that reduced access.
Educational institutions
First national primary school system
Primary school students: 1949 = 26m –> 1957 = 64m.
National literacy rate: 20% = 1949 –> 50% = 1960 —> 64% = 1964.
Lack of scientists, doctors, technical experts.
New polytechnics and engineering institutes created. Many sent to Russian universities.
Short courses for adult peasants in winter schools.
Chinese language difficult to learn.
Used ideograms > alphabet. Symbols varied region to region.
People from different parts of China couldn’t understand each other.
Pinyin = new language introduced to simplify the traditional language.
New official language.
Failures of Educational Reform
Remained elitist. Best schools in cities, still sat entrance exams.
Children of government officials still better off.
Education woefully underfunded. 1952, 6.4% of budget spent on culture + education.
Standard of teaching in rural schools very poor; teachers barely literate.
Winter schools not effective, peasants forgot what they learned the winter prior.
Great Leap Forward, many students couldn’t attend school, working on backyard furnaces.
Collapse of Education
Cultural Revolution closed schools and universities.
130m young people received no formal education.
Youth joined Red Guard, traveling across the country to attend rallies/struggle meetings.
Teachers often victims of revolutionary violence; many killed.
After Red Guard was disbanded, many didn’t return to school.
Party members used connections to return (Red Guard) children back to lives in cities.
Health Care, 1949
Public health provisions rudimentary.
Non-existence in rural China, used herbal remedies.
Peasants verge of starvation = immune systems easily succumbed to epidemic disease.
Water borne diseases rife - typhoid, cholera.
Human manure main source of fertilizer.
Barefoot Doctors
1.5m paramedics sent to rural areas to provide basic care to peasants, only source of medical care in villages.
Only had 6 months of intensive training.
Cheap to train, improved hygiene, stopped spread of disease + contraception.
Spent ½ time working in agriculture, helping to win local confidence.
Villages clinics had little equipment + low supply of medicines.
People treated by a trained doctor for first time, educated peasants in modern health ideas.
1976, 90% of villages were involved in the scheme.
Success of Health Care Reforms
Patriotic Health Movements - sent Party members to countryside to educate peasants how to prevent illness.
Posters taught illiterate peasant how to catch rats + dig deep wells to collect drinking water.
Discouraged human waste as fertilizer.
Collectives drained swamps which bred malaria.
Smallpox/cholera/typhoid practically eliminated.
Life expectancy: 41yrs = 1950 –> 62 = 1970.
Infant mortality fell.
Anti-drug campaigns greatly reduced sale/use of opium.
Failures of Health Care Reforms
Health Provisions urban > rural
Western-style hospitals in cities only.
Great Leap Forward, communes established medical clinics, but famine negated benefits.
Doctors attacked in Anti campaigns (1950s) - Laogai system.
Doctors denounced in Cultural Revolution.
Doctors undertook manual labor, cancelling operations.