Education Definitions Flashcards
School that have more control over how they run
A thing done with effort and skill
Anti-School subculture
Students who don’t agree with the norms and values of school
The ability of school pupils
Social behaviour is guided by goals shared by a collective
Compensatory education
Government policy which is designed to raise achievement levels of students who come from materially deprived backgrounds
Competition and selection
Selective school who choose students based on ability
Complex division of labour
Prepares individuals to participate in a complex economy in specialised roles.
Comprehensive system
Schools who do not select students based on academic ability
Conflict view
The educational system reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities that arise from differences in class, gender, race, and ethnicity
Consensus view
Societal structure is built upon agreed norms and values
Consumer choice
People make decisions about what school they go to
Correspondence principle
The suggestion that education mirrors the workplace in its organisation, rewards systems and a range of other factors.
Counter culture
Rebellion on against school rules and disrupting school life
Selecting higher ability students who gain the best results and cost less to teach
Cultural deprivation
Groups such as working class have inferior norms, values and skills which puts them at a disadvantage
The process by which pupils are ranked and categorised into different streams or sets
Double standards
When two people/groups are treated in a different way for the same thing
A word used by working class ‘lads’ to describe people who conform to the requirements and ideology of school.
Education Action Zones
Focussed on improving schools in deprived areas
Educational triage
Pupils divided into groups based on predicted performance by the school
Education vouchers
Parents could be offered a voucher system to ‘buy’ their childrens education
Elaborated speech code
A speech that is easier for middle class people to understand (complex sentence structures) which puts them at an advantage
Ethnocentric curriculum
Educational curriculum that focuses on western history and culture
A concept that explores the belief in predetermined outcomes and the lack of control individuals have over their lives
Feminisation of education
Boys feel intimidated by the education system as it is very female dominated
Free schools
Funded by the government but not run by the local authroity
Funding formula
Government tool to work out how much funding each school needs
Gender domains
Tasks that girls see as their territory and whats boys see as their territory
Gendered career opportunites
Careers that are mainly aimed towards a specific gender, eg engineering for boys
Hegemonic masculinity
The dominant form of masculinity that is privileged and upheld by society
Ideological state apparatus
Those institutions and systems that legitimate and reproduce the state, above all by producing consent
Institutional racism
A form of institutional discrimination based on race or ethnic group
Individuals know themselves how others label them
League tables
Rank schools and educational institutions based on various performance metrics, such as student test scores, graduation rates, and other key indicators of educational success