education Flashcards
F- davis and moore
role allocation
M- althusser
ISA- ideological state apparatus
F- durkheim
creating social solidarity and teaching specialist skills
F- parsons
prep to move from particularistic values to universal values
F- Shultz
develop human capital
M- bowles and gintis
produces obedient workers which capitalism needs (correspondence principle)
NR- chubb and moe
called for the introduction of a market system in education
F- heaton and lawson
reproduces patriarchal ideology that benefits men
I- becker (internal class factors)
labelling theory- leading to the SFP
M- willis (internal class factors)
anti school subcultures and ‘the lads’- will join antischool subcultures to achieve status if they cant through school
M- bourdieu (external class factors)
middle class children have a better cultural capital than wc
M- sugarman (external class factors)
cultural deprivation- wc have a different subculture which isn’t suited to education
Bernstein (external class factors)
cultural deprivation- wc have a restricted code of language while mc and school have extended
Douglas (external class factors)
cultural deprivation- wc parents place less emphasis and have lower opinions on education, therefore not pushing their child in education
Feinstein (external class factors)
Cultural deprivation- higher educated parents have more successful children
tanner (external class factors)
material deprivation- many hidden costs of education, making it difficult for wc
howard (external class factors)
material deprivation- poorer homes lack nutrition, space to work and sleep all leading to lower education standard
smith and noble (external class factors)
poverty is a barrier to learning, wc cannot afford uni etc
mitos and browne (internal gender difference)
girls thrive with course work since they’re more organised
wiener (internal gender difference)
men still hold the higher positions within school (criticism)
sewell (internal gender difference)
boys fall behind because education has become feminised, dislike it
francis (internal gender difference)
boys get more attention even though negative, when girls get attention its therefore positive
sharpe (external gender difference)
girls are more likely to see themselves as working women now rather than relying on a husband
lobban (external gender difference)
girls socialised into a bedroom culture which more suits education
epstein (internal gender difference)
‘real boys dont work’ and if they did they got bullied
jackson (internal gender difference)
exam league tables helped girls as more school want them when seeing results
coard (internal ethnic difference)
ethnocentric curriculum leading to underachievement
gilbourne and youdell (internal ethnic difference)
teachers more quick to label and discipline black students than whites for same behaviour, creates stereotypes
archer (internal ethnic difference)
teachers will define students by stereotypical ethnic identities, creating negative labelling (ideal, pathologized, demonised pupil)
fuller (internal ethnic difference)
pupil responses to labels- black girls doing well in school didn’t adhere to the school values but still wanted to succeed
mirza (internal ethnic difference)
pupils devise techniques to avoid teacher racism which can limit their opportunities
bawker (external ethnic difference)
cultural deprivation- lack of standard english create a barrier to Uk education
modood (external ethnic difference)
cultural deprivation- family honouyr can be restiction on behaviour from girls
flannerty (external ethnic difference)
material deprivation- pakistani an dbanglasdeshi 3x more likely to be poor than white
lupton (external ethnic difference)
material deprivation- asian families mirror school values which has a knock on effect within school
archer (processes in school)
wc students felt like o be successful in school they had to change the way they look and act
Rosenthal and jacobson (processes in school)
Pygmalion in the classroom, tested the effect of teacher labelling on improvement
becker (processes in school)
found that teacher judged pupils on how well they matched the ideal pupil
lacey (processes in school)
streaming boys felt polarised and joined subcultures (opposite when removed- ball)
boaler (processes in school)
equal opportunities has allowed for girls to achieve more and mde school more meritocratic
willis (processes in school)
similarities between anti school counter culture and shop floor culture- both saw manual work as better than academic
Bartlett (marketisation)
league tables leading to cream skimming and silt shifting
ball (marketisation)
league tables reproduce class inequalities and between schools
gerwitz (marketisation)
increasing parental choice advantages mc parents, causing more inequality (privileged, disconnected local, semiskilled choosers)
ball (marketisation)
myth of parentocracy
whitty (marketisation)
funding formula reproduces inequality between classes