Education Flashcards
What’s the point or role of education?
Pass on core values or prepare for work
Functionalist role on education
*consensus theory *
Ain’t help explain to fit into society
Pass core values
Transfer skills
Durkheim - ‘society in miniature’
parsons - bridge between family and wider society
meritocratic rise to top
David’s and Moore - ‘principle of stratification’ inequality can motivate people for some jobs
Neoliberalism role on education
Major influences
State should not indicate how individuals dispose of property, a free market
Allow competition
New right role on education
Believe most func views
Shouldn’t control education, marketise it - bring diverse and choice
Think school has a one size fits all, poor results
This idea can ignore learning and aim for more results
Marxist point of view on education
Althussers - two apparatus
.By force, police to keep system in place
.education pushes ideas it normal
.Control people’s ideas
Bowles and Gintis
Education is a myth making machine that promotes a myth of mertocracy
Produce class inequality
While making some fear uni debt
Neg -
Deterministic, not moulded
Education can harm bourgeoisie
lad counter - culture
Don’t care for education
Feminist view on education
They agree with Marx and func, that it transmits views onto pupils
heaton and lawson
Hidden curriculum,
Girls better in school
With preferences to subjects
But higher expectations for boys, more recommend for higher education
Oppresses women
Sexual harassment not taken seriously
not all girls have the same experience, and many girls who do well in school will still be beaten by a man in jobs. Females time off work for kids normalised
Postmodernist view on education
It doesn’t matter as it will change soon anyway :)
Education policy - time line
1944, what’s the tripartite system?
Leaving age at 15, free
The 11+ exam assigning you to:
Grammar school - traditional, middle class
Secondary modern - for failures, basics
Technical - practical learning
1965, comprehensive system
equal opportunities
-allows everyone to
-lower ability
-still sort, sets
-working class still failing
What do func think of comprehensive?
Meritocracy, social roles
Social change with class altogether
Longer to develop
What do Marx think of comprehensive?
Reproduces equality
Unequal achievement
Looks like the individual when it’s the system
1988, reformed under new right ideals
Marketisation of school
Consumer choice and competition subsequently government continue this, emphasis on increasing standards.
More vocational courses
A national curriculum
More testing
Miriam David’s opinion of school marketisation
Parentocracy ( rule of parents)
Consumers have power
Raise in standards.
Critics of marketisation of school
Class inequality
Barlett - won’t take bad student more selective
Cream skimming - won’t take lower class kids
What’s slit-stiffing
Avoid talking pupils who are more likely to get poorer results
The 4 policy of marketisation of school
League tables
National curriculum
Rule of parents