education Flashcards
Formal education
- takes place in schools and uni’s
- people learn knowledge and skills for a wide range of subjects
Informal education
-where people learn knowledge and skills by what is happening in life
F: serving the needs of economy
-education teaches knowledge and skills future workers will need
F: facilitating social mobility
-education system allows people to move up or down the social ladder. gifted students from disadvantaged backgrounds can achieve good qualifications and move to a higher social class
Fostering social cohesion
-schools reinforce social ‘glue’ or social bonds that unite different people in society
Selection and role allocation
-education system works like a sieve, grading students and allocating them to jobs based on individual merit, abilities and exam results
Durkheim’s key ideas on education
- main function to pass on societies norms and values.
- children learn to accept rules through school rules through punishments
- equips kids with skills they will need for future work
Criticisms of Durkheim
- some students don’t accept school rules or societies norms and values
- education doesn’t always teach skills that prepare students for future workplace roles
- Marxists argue that education convey benefits to the ruling class rather than society as a whole.
- some feminists argue that schools transmit patriarchal culture
Parson’s key ideas on education
-its the main agency of socialisation. acts as bridge between family and society and prepares children for adult role
-in society status is achieved and people are judged by universalistic standards that apply to everyone
ES preps kids by treating them like society would
-schools promote achievement and equality of opportunities, imp in wider society. society needs a system to reward people diff based on achievements. people accept this as they have been through school and as long as there are equal opp
Criticisms of parsons
- Marxists argue that education system transmits values that benefit dominant groups in society
- some feminists question if education system is based on meritocracy and if it provides equal opportunities
- critics question how far role allocations are effective or meritocratic. people with the best qualifications dont always get the best jobs
Role allocations
-ES matches individuals to their future jobs and status in society based on talents and abilities. in meritocracy, most able reach the top
Functionalist view on social mobility (agree)
- parsons said that one function of education was meritocracy, the harder you work, the better you do meaning people who work go up in class and people who don’t go down. all people enter class system on merit.
- education enables social mobility as class is based on effort in education not birth
- seemingly strong but with criticisms
- Marxists and feminists are critical and say there is no meritocracy
Feminist view on social mobility (disagree)
- disagrees with functionalist view as its based on patriarchal system who favours men
- girls overachieve boys in almost all parts of education and therefore more women should be in upper class however more men are in higher paid jobs and more women are in poverty
- expectations on women to be ‘housewives’
- 95% of top roles in the country are occupied by men (even though women outperform them)
- education doesn’t enable social mobility as its based on gender than meritocracy and not linked to education, strong argument
- criticism-change is happening
Marxist view on social mobility (disagree)
- says society was set up to benefit the most powerful an keep the poor in place
- Bowles and Gintis tried to show that all education did was teach kids working class skills for working class jobs: obedience, being on time, acceptance of the powerful positions
- education prepares people to not have social mobility
- say meritocracy is a myth to keep people working hard
Why upper class achieve better and lower achieve worse
- private schools have easier exams
- working class tend to achieve less, parents have less opp to support
- class has impact on education not the other wat around