Ed_Y1_ key sociologists/studies/terms Flashcards
Key sociologists/studies/terms
Cultural Deprivation
Cult Dep. theorists argue WC children are not adequately socialised so therefore they are culturally deprived
Bereiter and Engelmann (1966)
WC language is deficient. They communicate mainly through single words and gestures. It is inadequate.
Bernstein (1975)
Language Codes.
Elaborated code - wide range of vocabulary using complex sentences. It is context free.
Restricted code - limited vocabulary and is generally short sentences and gestures. It is context bound
Bernstein speech codes. Why?
Elaborated code is used by teachers and in schools/textbooks. MC have an advantage. School fails to teach WC kids restricted code.
Douglas (1964)
Parental intervention matters - WC parents place less value on education.
Bernstein and Young (1967)
MC mums more likely to buy books/toys/activities that stimulate intellectual development and an interest in education
Parental education matters regardless of class/income
these 4 features are barriers to educational achievement
Operation Headstart
Early intervention for “planned enrichment” as a means of providing extra resources for WC mums.
Keddie (1973)
Believes that WC are not deprived. They are culturally different but the education system fails to recognise this.
Troyna and Williams
School attitude toward language matters - “speech hierarchy”
Blackstone and Mortimore
WC parents are less likely to attend parents evening - could be intimidated by MC atmosphere in school. They may work longer or less-regular hours so cannot attend.
Material Deprivation - Dept of Education (2012)
Barely 1/3 of FMS pupils achieve 5 GCSEs at A*-C grades.
Exclusion and truancy is more likely. 1/3 of consistent truants leave school with no qualifications
Direct - poorer children may live in overcrowded houses. May have no space for homework to be completed and may suffer from a lack of sleep due to shared rooms.
Indirect - damp/cold houses may cause illness. Poorer students are more at risk of accidents in the home.
Diet & Health
Children from poorer homes are more prone to emotional/behavioural problems.
Wilkinson (1996)
The lower the social class, the more likely they are to have anxiety/hyperactivity and conduct disorders. More likely to engage in “externalising” behaviour.
Tanner (2003)
Cost of uniform/books/equipment etc may place burden on poorer families.
may rely on hand-me-downs which could result in bullying.
Poverty acts as a barrier to learning in advantaged ways.
Mortimore & Whitty (1997)
Material factors have the biggest impact. Robinsons (1997) agrees saying tackling child’s poverty would be the best way to boost achievement
Bourdieu - Cultural Capital
refers to knowledge, attitudes, values, language and MC ability. through socialisation, mc kids are able to grasp ideas and develop intellectual interests.
Education system favours MC culture.
Bourdieu - Educational/Economic capital
Similar to cultural capital. economic can be specified as MC parents are able to send children to private school and for extra tuition where MC Cultural Capital is emphasised.
Sullivan (2001)
Conducted a questionnaire across 4 schools. asked about a range of activities ie watching TV, Reading, Art gallery visits etc.
MC generally read complex fiction and watched serious documentaries. they were more elaborate in vocabulary etc.
Becker (1971)
teachers label students depending on how close they fit the “ideal pupil”
Dunne & Gazellen (2008)
labels cause persistent underachievement of WC pupils . interviews from 9 english state schools found WC underachievement was ‘normalised’
MC have more access to resources
Teachers gave MC students extension work as MC underachievement can be overcome but WC can’t and WC students are entered for easier exams.
Rist (1970)
MC faster learners so put in sets labelled ‘tigers’, ‘lions’ etc
WC labelled as ‘clowns’, ‘cardinals’ and seated further away. receive less teacher attention
Rosenthal & Jacobsen
provide evidence for SFP. students labelled as dim are less likely to try and those labelled as bright try harder and achieve more.
Setting and Streaming
Becker - wc is not seen as the ideal pupil therefore is placed in lower sets and it is then difficult to move up the sets.
Gilbourne & Youdell (2001)
study of 2 london secondary schools. WC & black pupils are viewed as having less ability and so are placed into lower sets where there is a denial of knowledge
Educational Triage
Gilbourne & Youdell.
Those who will pass.
Those who are borderline C/D.
Those who are hopeless