Eczema and Pruritus Flashcards
Eczema Presentation
v itchy, poorly demarcated rash, acute - ozzing papules and vesicles, subacute - red and scaly, chronic - lichenification
Eczema Pathology
Epidermal spongiosis
Atopic Eczema Pathology and Epidemiology
TH2 driven inflamamtion w/ increased IgE production, affects 2% of infants, most children grow-out of it by 13yo
Cause of Atopic Eczema
FHx of atopy common, specific allergens - house dust mite/animal dander, diet e.g. dairy products
Atopic Eczema Presentation
face esp. around eyes/cheeks, flexures - knees/elbows, may become 2ary infected
Atopic Eczema Associated Conditions
Asthma, hayfever
Atopic Eczema Ix
increased IgE, RAST testing - iD specific antigens
Irritant contact dermatitis overview
everyone susceptible to irritants, causes - detergents, soaps, oils, solvents, venous stasis
Allergic contact dermatitis overview
Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction, common allergens - nickel/chromate/lanolin, location correlates sharply to allegen exposure, Ix w/ patch testing
Adult Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Overview
Red, scaly rash
Causes - overgrowth of skin yeasts e.g. malassezia
Location - scalp (dandruff), eyebrows, cheeks, nasolabial folds
Rx - mild topical steroid/antifungal (hydrocortisone, miconazole)
Educational Mx of Atopic Eczema
avoid triggers e.g. soap
Soap substitutes in Atopic Eczema
aqueous cream, dermol cream, epaderm ointment
Emollients in Atopic Eczema
epaderm, dermol, diprobase, oilatum (bath oil)
Steriods in Atopic Eczema
1% hydrocortisone - face, groins
eumovate - can use breify (<1/52) on face
dermovate - v strong brief use on thick skin (palms/soles)
2nd line topical therapies in Atopic Eczema
topical tacrolimus, phototherapy, ciclosporin or azathioprine