ECS Flashcards
What is the role of dynamic port mapping with respect to ECS? Which ELB type supports this?
Dynamic port mapping is used to load balance ECS tasks on an EC2 instance and is supported by an ALB
What is a task role with respect to ECS?
Optional IAM role that tasks can use to make API requests to authorized AWS services. Create an Amazon Elastic Container Service Task Role in the
What is the difference between a REPLICA and a DAEMON service type with respect to setting up an ECS service?
A replica will attempt to run the desired specified amount of tasks accross the ECS cluster. A Daemon service runs one copy of the task on each of the EC2 instances in the cluster and is useful for monitoring.
What is a Blue/Green deployment and what AWS technology can be used to execute a blue/green deployment against ECS?
A blue/green deployment consists of having individual deployments of both your existing code, and new code. A proportion of traffic can be routed to the new code to determine stability. A blue/green deployment allows fast roll backs. AWS CodeDeploy is used for Blue/Green deployments on ECS.
We need to create a load balanced ECS cluster with multiple tasks per container. Would you use a classic or application load balancer?
Application. A classic load balancer allows only one task per container instance
We have created an ECS Cluster intended to serve HTTP traffic. When defining the task definition, we have set up a port mapping to take traffic inbound on on the Host EC2 instances port 8080 and dynamic port mapping for the containers. The cluster starts without any issue, but when we attempt to hit the sites index.html page using port 8080, we get a time out. Why?
The security group that is created for the cHost EC2 instances setup when defining the cluster does not allow traffic inbound on port 8080.
We have created an ECS Cluster intended to serve HTTP traffic. When defining the task definition, we have set up a port mapping to take traffic inbound on on the host EC2 instances port 8080 and map it to the Docker container port 80. In our service definition for the tasks we specify that we want to run 3 copies of the task definition on the same ECS Container. What are we likely to see in the ECS Event logs for that service and how many tasks will we see running?
We will see 1 task running and message stating that we were unable to place a task because no container instance met all of its requirements due a required port (host port 8080) already in use.
We have a task set up in ECS which has defined a container. This container needs access to images stored on S3, but can’t seem to access the bucket. Why?
A task role needs to be set up defining allowing access to the specified bucket
What would you use ECR for?
ECR is the AWS docker container repository. It is private to your account and is used to store docker images within AWS.
You are attempting to do a pull request for a docker image against ECR, but get a permission denied error. Why?
Access to ECR is controlled by IAM. If you are getting a permission denied for push or pull requests it is because your IAM policy is not set up correctly and permissive enough.
What is the purpose of this command and what is the meaning of the pipe? Which CLI version is this for?
aws ecr get-login-password –region us-east-1 | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin
this command performs a login against an ECR repository. The command is split into two by the pipe, with the inital aws component generating a password for the ECR repo, which is then piped through to the docker command which performs the login. This is for CLI version 2.
What is the purpose of this command?
docker push
this pushes a docker image to an ECR repository
We currently have a task definition - httpd:1. What version is this definition?
Version 1
I have a task definition set up to service http requests - the definition is called httpd:1. As part the setup, the task defition has a container (called httpd) which uses the public httpd:2.4 docker image from apache. We need to update this image to one that we have placed in ECR which contains some custom setup. Can we change the task definition as it stands to include this new image?
No, we will need to create a new version of the task definition and then make changes to the container settings in the new version.
When setting up an ECS infrastructure, where would you define the task role?
In the task definition
In terms of IAM and ECS, there are two key IAM components which define how and with what the ECS agent can communicate with, and how and what the ECS task can communicate with. What are they? (Hint think specifically of what ECS runs on, not Fargate)
EC2 Instance profile is used by the ECS agent and allows it to make calls to the ECS API, Cloudwatch and ECR
Task Roles allow a task to be assigned specific roles per task and different tasks can have different roles assigned to them - for instance one task can have getObject permissions on S3, another can have permissions to the EC2 API.
What 3 things does an EC2 ECS instance profile allow the ECS Agent to interact with ?
- Cloudwatch Logs (For shipping container logs)
- ECR (for pulling images)
- ECS API (for making calls to the ECS API)
Can you define task placement strategies or task placement constraints for Fargate based ECS cluster?
No. Task placement strategies and task placement constraints are only available for ECS on EC2
When determining where to place tasks what 4 steps does ECS use to determine which container instance to use for the task?
- Identify container instances that satisfy the CPU, RAM and Port requirements
- Identify instances that satisfy the task placement constraints
- Identify instances that satisfy the task placement strategy
- Select the instances.
R.C.S.S - Radio Controlled Space Shuttle
With respect to ECS placement strategies, which one offers the most cost savings and why?
Bin pack will offer the most cost savings as it assigns tasks to instances with the LEAST available CPU and memory - effectively making sure each instance is fully utilised before instantiating a new one.
When designing and ECS cluster for maximum availability what Task Placement Strategy would you use and why?
Spread. This spreads tasks evenly across all instances over all AZ’s which maximizes availability
What are the three Task Placement Strategies available in ECS
We are setting up an ECS Classic Cluster (EC2 backed) which is intended to provide web server capabilities for our application. When setting up the Container Definitions in the Task Definition we need to decide if we want to map our Host port to the container port (in this case, the container port is port 80). Do we want to map our host port to our container port? Why, why not?
No, we don’t. If we map the host port to the container port we will only be able to instantiate one task per EC2 instance as when another task attempts to start it will throw an error as the host port is already in use.
We are setting up an ECS Classic Cluster (EC2 backed) which is intended to provide web server capabilities for our application. Our instances responsible for running the tasks will be sitting behind an application load balancer. What changes do we need to make to the EC2 security group to make this setup secure?
The EC2 security group will need to be setup to allow inbound traffic from the ALB security group only.
In ECS, does a security group operate at the INSTANCE or the TASK level?
At the instance level
What does an ECS task need to allow it to execute actions against AWS services?
An IAM task role needs to be setup for the task
what is the purpose of this command and what does it produce as an output?
$(aws ecr get-login –no-include-email –region eu-wet1)
this is the CLI v1 command for logging into ECR. It will produce as an output the docker login command string
When provisioning containers through Fargate, do we need to provision an ENI as well?
No, Fargate will provision an ENI per container when it sets up the stack
When provisioning through Fargate, what does the container spec refer to with respect to tasks?
The container spec defines the amount of CPU and RAM that we assign to the container. Fargate is serverless so it will manage the provisioning of the underlying EC2 instances for us based on the container specs and how many are running.
When provisioning through Fargate, do we need to have IAM roles assigned to tasks to allow them access to AWS resources?
what are the three autoscaling strategies for ECS Services and how are they triggered? (hint - autoscaling group stategies)
Target Tracking- based on specific average of resource utilisation
Step - Scale based on Cloudwatch alarms
Scheduled - based on predicable changes
If we are autoscaling a SERVICE does this mean that the underlying EC2 instances will autoscale also?
No, the number of services will scale up or down, but the underlying instances may not
How would we ensure that the underlying number of instances running our tasks will autoscale as more and more tasks are required so we don’t loose capacity?
You would need to setup a Cluster Capacity Provider. This will work with the cluster to determine the infrastructure required to run tasks. For EC2 classic this needs to be associated with an autoscaling group.
You have started an EC2 instance and it’s not registered with the ECS cluster. What’s NOT a reason for this issue?
- The ECS Agent is not running
- The AMI used was not the AWS ECS AMI
- The EC2 instance is missing IAM permissions
- A Mis-configured security group
- security groups do not matter when an instance registers with the ECS service
During the configuration of an ECS service, we can set the minimumHealthyPercent value to less than or greater than 100%. What does this mean with respect to task termination and replacement?
If the value is below 100%, then a service will terminate a task and then launch a replacement so we will briefly have less than 100% health tasks as one comes down and the next task spools up.
If the value is over 100% then the service will attempt to create a new task and THEN terminate the old one.
For a Fargate launch type, where are tasks launched and what gets provisioned to allow for network connectivity
Fargate launches tasks inside an AWS VPC and attaches an ENI to each of the tasks
Why would I use container instance draining in ECS? Can additional containers be started up during draining?
You use container draining if you need tasks to exit gracefully - i.e. finish what they are doing before being terminated. This would be used for mission critical applications. New containers cannot be added while draining is in process.
I have an ECS cluster running on EC2 instances. We need to be able to cope with increases in demand, so we have created an autoscaling group for our instances. When we hit peak load however, the application still crashed as not enough resources were available for the containers, even though we should have plenty. Why?
Enabling autoscaling for the EC2 instances isn’t enough - as scaling out the instances will not increase the running tasks count. You need to also enable service autoscaling.
Can containers launched on fargate run in privileged mode (i.e. with elevated permissions on the host)?
With respect to Fargate, what is the purpose behind either the “requires” field in the ECS console or the –requires-capabilities CLI option?
These ensure the container is compatible with Fargate.
In ECS what two things does a Service define?
A service specifies:
- The task definition
- The number of tasks to maintain at any one time
I am running a deployment on an ECS cluster with the minimumPercent value set to 100 and the maximumPercent value set to 200. What cluster capacity will be required for this to run and why?
we will need double the cluster capacity for this to work as we will need to accommodate the additional running tasks during deployment.
For ECS, we have specified multiple target tracking policies to scale out our tasks. What action will ECS take if these policies are in conflict - i.e how does AWS determine which one of these policies “wins”?
The policy that would result on the highest task count wins.
When using ECS as a deployment provider for CodePipeline, will CodePipeline create the cluster and service as a part of the pipeline creation process?
No. You need to create these beforehand and then specify the appropriate cluster and service names in the CodePipeline console.