Ecosystems & Tropical Rainforests Flashcards
What is an ecosystem?
A natural system made up of plants, animals and the environment
Name 3 Tropical rainforest features
- Trees grow up to 45m high
- Big variety of wildlife
- 6 months of high rainfall & 6 months of low rainfall
Describe the climate in TR.
Warm and wet conditions. High rainfall (2000mm per year) and high temperatures (27 degrees) throughout year
Why is temperature high throughout?
Because the sun is overhead for most of the time
Why is rainfall high throughout?
Because of the Global Atmospheric Circulation. Rising air creates clouds and triggers heavy rain.
What is Nutrient Cycling?
Constant movement of nutrients between biomass
Describe the emergent layer.
Trees may grow up to 50 meters
Describe the canopy layer.
Forms continuous cover, absorbs 70% of sunlight
Describe the under canopy layer.
Trees up to 20 meters
Describe the shrub layer.
Trees and shrubs living in the shade of taller trees
What are buttress roots and how do they help?
Triangular shaped roots help support very tall trees, making them more stable
What do Lianas do?
Climb around other trees to get to the light
What do Drip tips do?
Shed water so it doesn’t stay on the leaf and rot or break it
What do Epiphytes do?
Grow on other trees to take their moisture from the air
What is infertile and give an example.
Unable to reproduce itself (Rainforest soil)
What conditions do plants have to adapt to?
Heavy rainfall, lack of sunlight and nutrients
Why should rainforests be protected?
- Tribes live in them
- Clean water
- Contain half of plants and animals
- Store and absorb CO2
- 25% of all medicine come from plants
Why & how is ecotourism beneficial?
- More people are introduces to the natural world
- Government receives income (helps country retain trees)
Describe ‘clear felling’
All trees are chopped down in the area