Ecosystems - The Epping Forest Ecosystem, UK Flashcards
East and North of London.
What is it the remains of?
A larger forest that colonised England at the end of the last Ice Age.
Bogs and ponds have their own unique species, including __ types of dragonfly:
For 1000 years, in what ways has Epping Forest been managed?
- Hunting grounds for royalty
- Timber resource
- Recreation (more recently)
Examples of native tree species:
Oak, Elm, Beech, and Ash
Lower shrub layer:
Holly and hazel, 5 metres
Field layer:
Grasses, brambles, bracken, fern, flowering plants.
How many species of moss and lichen grow in the field layer?
177 species
Number of bird species:
Number of amphibian and reptile species:
What is special about the producers in Epping Forest?
Great diversity of producer species.
Number of fungi species:
Explain the interdependence in Epping Forest (excluding humans):
- Deciduous trees lose leaves in Winter (to conserve energy and heat), causing a layer of leaf litter to build up.
- Decomposers and detritivores break this litter down, returning nutrients to the soil in the form of humus.
- The humus supports the growth of more plants, which will then support consumers.
Explain the interdependence between Epping Forest and humans:
Visitors pick berries and flowers - this helps to spread seeds that stick to their clothing.
Explain the large biomass store:
- Great height of the trees
- Dense undergrowth beneath them
Explain the large soil store:
Always a lot of humus in the soil
Explain the high flow rates:
There are high flow rates between the litter, soil, and biomass stores - this reflects the vigorous cycle of new growth that occurs every year.
Nutrient losses:
Most loss occurs through leaching, during periods of heavy rainfall.