Ecosystems Flashcards
What is the difference between a producer and a decomposer in an ecosystem?
Producers are plants that make food from photosynthesis
Decomposers decompose dead organic materials and return the nutrients back to the soil
What is the difference between a Carnivore and a Herbivore?
Carnivore’s only eat meat
Herbivores only eat plants
What type of organism eats both meat and plants?
Give two adaptations that vegetation in the rainforest have made
Drip tip leaves- These plants have leaves with pointy tips. This allows water to run off easily without causing any damage.
Epiphytes- These are plants that live up in the trees. They get their nutrients form the air and water, not the soil. They adapted to live in trees because only 2% of sunlight reaches the forest floor.
Why is light important to an ecosystem?
Light is important for ecosystems because plants need sunlight energy for photosynthesis
Why are decomposers important in an ecosystem?
Decomposers are important because they decompose dead organic materials and return the nutrients back to the soil.
Give one reason why the rainforest is a hard place for vegetation to live
The rainforest is a challenging place for vegetation to live because only 2% of sunlight reaches the forest floor. This means that there is not much sunlight to go around. This will lead to a lot of plants not getting enough sunlight energy they need for photosynthesis, and dying.
Identify three different groups of people/individuals who might be to blame for deforestation
TNC’S(Trans National Co-operations)
Slash and Burn Farmers
Cattle Farmers
Define the key features of Ecotourism
Ecotourism is tourism that minimises damage to the environment and benefits the local people
Define the key features of Agro-Forestry
Trees and crops are planted at the same time, so that the tree roots bind the soil and the leaves protect it from heavy rain.
Define the key features of Sustainable Logging
The aim is to produce timber in such a way that the forest is not permanently damaged and recovers quickly. Trees are replanted and there needs to be a strict quota on how much timber is allowed to be cut down, including monitoring the destruction of valuable woods such as mahogany.
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is the study of the living and non living things in an environment where the living things interact between each other and also with the non living environment they are found within.
Define biotic in an ecosystem
The living aspects of an ecosystem(which contain energy) such as: Decomposers, like bacteria and algae Dead animals and plants Worms Animals
Define Abiotic in an ecosystem
The non-living surroundings(which don't contain energy) such as: Air Water Soil Climate(temperature, water, light) Vegetation
What are some interactions in an ecosystem?
Caterpillars are eaten by birds
Birds are eaten by Jaguars
Jaguars then die and decomposers put their nutrients back into the soil