Ecosystems Flashcards
study of lakes
maximum density of water
occurs at 3.94oC
Summer (Lake Processes)
stratification: most mixing at top (high temperature air) very little mixing at bottom
Early Fall (Lake Processes)
turnover: water unstratifies, completely mixes until water at colder temp
Late Fall (Lake Processes)
circulation: mixing slows down and stops when it reaches a constant temperature
Winter (Lake Processes)
stratification: ice cover on top of lake
Early Spring (Lake Processes)
turnover: as top layer heats from 0 to 4 oC it becomes more dense and sinks to bottom (slower/less mixing than autumn turnover)
Late Spring (Lake Processes)
Layers of Lake
from top to bottom (warmest to coldest)
- Epilimnion
- Metalimnion
- Hypolimnion
Diurnal Effects
- during day: algae consume CO2 = increase pH
- during night: CO2 is produced which reacts to form H+ ions = decrease pH`
Why are diurnal effects greater in autumn?
Turnover brings nutrient-rich deep water to surface = increase in algal growth = greater 02 and pH swings
Trophic States
(lowest to highest nutrients)
- Oligotrophic
- Mesotrophic
- Eutrophic
- Hypertrophic
Trophic status determined by:
amount of limiting nutrient (either phosphorous or nitrogen)
- algae produced until either N or P at low levels and no more biomass produced = one that is at low levels is the limiting nutrient
Eutrophication definition
process of becoming more eutrophic - accelerated by humans
Impacts of Eutrophication
- nuisance or toxic algal blooms in summer
- fish kills due to low dissolved oxygen (or migration)
- taste and odour problems with drinking water
- reduced quality of recreational use
- increased density of aquatic weeds in shallow areas
Big eutrophication problems in NZ
- Lake Ellesmere (already very eutrophic)
2. Lake Taupo/Rotorua (threat of becoming eutrophic)
Lake Management Methods
- Reduce input of nutrients
- Remove stock of nutrients
- Isolate stock of nutrients
- Increase Depth
- Artificially restore ecosystem
- Biomanipulate to new equilibrium
Point Source Control
advanced wastewater treatment at wastewater discharge locations or plants
Nonpoint Source Control
increase land are protected by conservation
stop treated waters getting in to water system rather than limiting/controlling amount going in
increase depth
Chemical inactivation
addition of alum to reduce sediment P release
Hypolimnetic aeration
oxygen bubbled into bottom of reservoir to maintain DO levels
treatment with herbicide to eliminate exotic invasive species