Ecosystems Flashcards
Kế thừa
a number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other: she had been secretary to a succession of board directors.
• Geology a group of strata representing a single chronological sequence: the Cretaceous succession.
Làm xáo trộn
[mass noun] the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition: a helicopter landing can cause disturbance to residents.
• [count noun] a breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding behaviour: the disturbances were precipitated when four men were refused bail.
• Law interference with rights or property.
denoting or relating to herbs (in the botanical sense).
Volcanic eruption
Phun trào núi lửa
a woody plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground.
Ecology | the final stage in a succession in a given environment, at which a plant community reaches a state of equilibrium: [as modifier] : near the equator the tropical rainforest is the climax vegetation | a mixed hardwood climax forest.
acme, apex, apogee, culmination, height, high point, highlight, peak, pinnacle, summitcrest, max out, peak, summit, top
increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions: the cumulative effect of two years of drought.
accumulative, aggregate, amassed, collective, growing, increasing, snowballing, swelling
Trưởng thành
fully developed physically; full-grown: she was now a mature woman | owls are sexually mature at one year.
having reached the most advanced stage in a process: Van Gogh’s mature work.
Cân bằng
a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced: the task is the maintenance of social equilibrium.
Chứng minh
provide evidence to support or prove the truth of: they had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.
Phơi bày
the state of having no protection from something harmful: the dangers posed by exposure to asbestos.
Đều đặn
the state or quality of being regular: he came to see her with increasing regularity | [count noun] : the patterns and regularities of social life.
Lượng mưa
rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground: these convective processes produce cloud and precipitation | [count noun] : the heavy post-monsoon precipitations.
Thuộc địa hoá
the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area: Africa boasts a tradition of higher education institutions that predate Western colonization | the European invasion and colonization of the Americas.
Ngẫu nhiên
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system: an arbitrary decision.
Thực thể
a thing with distinct and independent existence: Church and empire were fused in a single entity.
a description of the distinctive nature or features of someone or something: she rejected that characterization of her film.
giving the wrong idea or impression: your article contains a number of misleading statements.
Ẩn dụ
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable: when we speak of gene maps and gene mapping, we use a cartographic metaphor | [mass noun] : her poetry depends on suggestion and metaphor.
Ant colony
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