Economy And Finance Flashcards
Abject poverty
Great poverty
فقر مطلق
Commieted to (adj)
Pledged to do or to support sth.
What sb owes to another
Development grants
Money to help economic development
Sustainable development
A development that does not destroy the economy or environment
Debt burden
A debt burden is a large amount of money that one country or organization owes to another and which they find very difficult to repay. …the massive debt burden of the Third World.
Make an improvement by lessening sth
Alleviate debt
incur [inˈkəː]– past tense, past participle inˈcurred –
♦ verb
to bring (something unpleasant) on oneself: to incur someone’s displeasure.
متحمل شدن
to be in debt to: I owe (him) $10.
بدهكار بودن
Debtor countries
Debtor countries!
dispute [diˈspjuːt]
♦ verb
1 to argue against or deny: I’m not disputing what you say.
مورد تردید قرار دادن
2 to argue (about): They disputed the ownership of the land for years.
بحث کردن؛ مشاجره کردن
Restrictive practices
The placing of unfair restrictions e.g limiting imports
Embargo (n)
Total prohibitions on importing/exporting certain goods
Restriction on what a country may import/export