Economy Flashcards
What is GDP?
Gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced and sold in a specific time period by countries.
What is CPI?
The official measure of inflation of consumer prices of the United Kingdom. The Consumer Price Index measures the overall change in consumer prices based on a representative basket of goods and services over time. Excluding mortgages. The RPI includes mortgages.
What is PPI?
The PPI looks instead at the prices that producers pay and measures changes in the sale prices for the entire domestic market of raw goods and services.
What is PMI?
Purchasing Managers Index. An economic indicator representing the rate of expansion or contraction of a specific sector – such as manufacturing, services or construction. A PMI above 50 indicates an expansion of the manufacturing segment of the economy compared to the previous month. A reading of 50 means no change. A reading below 50 suggests a contraction.
Non-Farm payroll?
A key economic indicator for the US. Represents the total number of paid workers minus farm workers etc. A tight labour market creates wage inflation
What is the UK Interest Rate (BOE Base Rate)?
What is the UK inflation rate?
2.5% CPI
What is the UK GDP rate?
US Federal Reserve benchmark interest rate?
set between 4.25% and 4.50%
US inflation rate?
2.9% CPI
3.1% end of quarter 2024
EU inflation rate?
What is the current UK 2 year gilt yield?
10 year?
4.32% 2yr
4.59% 10 year
What is the current USD/GBP exchange rate?
1USD = 0.8043
Who is Head of BOE
Andrew Bailey