Economics for Managers Chapter 2 Flashcards
The functional relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded by consumers in a given time period, all else held constant.
Functional Relationship
A relationship between variables, usually expressed in an equation using symbols for the variables, where the value of one variable, the independent variable, determines the value of the other, the dependent variable.
Normal Good
A good for which consumers will have a greater demand as their incomes increase, all else held constant, and a smaller demand if their incomes decrease, other factors held constant.
Inferior Good
A good for which consumers will have a smaller demand as their incomes increase, all else held constant, and a greater demand if their incomes decrease, other factors held constant.
Substitute Goods
Two goods, X and Y, are substitutes if an increase in the price of good Y causes consumers to increase their demand for good X or if a decrease in the price of good Y cases consumers to decrease their demand for good X.
Complementary Goods
Two goods, X and Y, are complementary if an increase in the price of good Y causes consumers to decrease their demand for good X or if a decrease in the price of good Y causes consumers to increase their demand for good X.
Individual Demand Function
The function that shows, in symbolic or mathematical terms, the variables that influence the quantity demanded of a particular product by an individual consumer.
Market Demand Function
The function that shows, in symbolic or mathematical terms, the variable that influence the quantity demanded of a particular product by all consumers in the market and that is thus affected by the number of consumers in the market.
Demand Curve
The graphical relationship between the price of a good and the quantity consumers demand with all other factors influencing demand held constant.
Demand Shifters
The variables in a demand function that are held constant when defining a given demand curve, but that would shift the demand curve if their values changed.
Negative (Inverse) Relationship
A relationship between two variables, graphed as a downward sloping line, where an increase in the value of one variable causes a decrease in the value of the other variable.
Change in Quantity Demanded
The change in quantity consumers purchase when the price of the good changes, all other factors held constant, pictured as a movement along a given demand curve.
Change in Demand
The change in quantity purchased when one or more of the demand shifters change, pictured as a shift of the entire demand curve.
Horizontal summation of Individual Demand Curves
The process of deriving a market demand curve by adding the quantity demanded by each individual at every price to determine the market demand at every price.
Linear Demand Function
A mathematical demand function graphed as a straight-line demand curve in which all the terms are either added or subtracted and no terms have exponents other than 1.