Economic Metholodogy Flashcards
Objective statements
Deals with an objective explanation and the testing and rejecting of theories
Subjective statements
Carry value judgements about what ought to be
Rational consumers
Wish to maximise their satisfaction or utility from consumption by correctly choosing how to spend their limited income
Wish to maximise profits, by producing at lowest cost, the goods and services that are desired by consumers
Wishes to improve the economic and social welfare of citizens
Ceteris paribus
All else being equal
Free market economists
Believe that the market forces should allocate resources in society
Believe that governments should have a more prominent role in allocating resources within society
Social welfare economists
Either directly or through imposing regulations on markets to enable them to allocate resources more ‘fairly’ or in a way which does not damage society
Government spending priorities
Opportunity cost of the gov. spending and extra £10billion on investment in NHS may be that £10 billion less is available for spending on education
Ways to ration scarce resources
-by market price -by consumer income -by need -by house postcode -by education level -by age -by gender -by nationality
Free market
Markets allocate resources. Driven by profit motive. Limited role for state. Private sector dominates
Mixed economy
Mix of state and private ownership. Government intervention in markets. Mix will vary from country to country
Command economy
Most resources are state owned. Planning allocates resources. Little role for market prices
State-Owned Industries
Businesses wholly or part state-owned, like Royal Bank of Scotland, or Network Rail
Welfare State
Broad range of welfare benefits, Universal, Means-tested
Government spending on public service
Spending on education and health, Capital spending on infrastructure
Capital goods
Goods used to make consumer goods and services
Consumer durables
Products that provide a steady flow of utility over their working life (smartphone)
Consumer non-durables
Products that are used up in the act of consumption (coffee)